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From the author: Source: for www.sbs.suAuthor: Tarakanova-Yumina E.E2011 Instructions for life or how to find a job It’s strange, but when the alarm clock rings day after day, tearing you out of the beautiful and so pleasant sleep, and you get up for work in the morning, it is this period of time that you begin to hate most... Chronic fatigue, constant “lack of sleep”, a feeling of increasing depression, all this unites millions of people who get up for work. And the point is not that the road to work takes on average four hours a day, there is practically no lunch, and we have to leave later and later. Receiving a salary and bonuses no longer brings such satisfaction and the thought of moving up the career ladder also does not evoke positive emotions. It’s just that you have long since become disgusted with yourself! Year after year, month after month, day after day you get up with the feeling that you don’t want to go to work! And if you are completely honest with yourself, then you simply hate the work itself! At first we hide this thought in the depths of our souls, finding a completely rational explanation for our poor health and mood, but gradually we are overcome by indifference to the world around us. Our loved ones, and even our work colleagues, not to mention our superiors, begin to notice this. Everyone already understands everything, but we pretend that everything is fine, just great! When our inner “I” comes to the end of patience, we no longer we hide our real attitude to work. Now you are no longer a generator of ideas, not the soul of the team, you don’t smile at management, don’t flatter them at meetings, no, now YOU ARE REAL and you’re proud of it! You often meet with friends, don’t stay after work, you don’t think about new projects in the evenings before going to bed! You enjoy life, go to bars with friends, remember your hobbies, pay attention to your family, and don’t forget to pamper yourself! More and more often, you forget important instructions from management and are late for work. The family starts nervousness and quarrels become commonplace. You retreat into yourself again... And then, one day, waking up in the morning, you announce to the whole world that today you are going to work for the last time and quitting! Everyone is shocked, but you are happier than ever!!! You drive to work with a feeling of pride, listen to the funniest music on the way, and even sing along to the beat... You enter your once “favorite” office and immediately go to the management. Barely restraining yourself from starting to yell at your boss, you explain in advance in memorized phrases the reasons for leaving are that you no longer see yourself in the company, there is no growth and new prospects, you do not feel the realization of your professional knowledge and skills. You deserve more! Management, your boss once scolded you like a child, and now he resignedly signs your letter of resignation without working for two weeks and instructs the accounting department to give you a full payment by the end of the working day and for the “black” salary too. You enter the smoking room and your former colleagues pretend to be puzzled by your departure. This is how this long and last working day in this company goes - everyone is in shock, “you are in seventh heaven.” Believing even more strongly in your importance, you assure everyone that you find a job where you will be valued, and you go to get your paycheck... First, you go to the HR department and get a walk-through slip, then they give you your full paycheck! That's it! It's finished! You're fired! Hooray!!! and...the hats fly to the skies. Feeling like the happiest person in this world, you go home and throw a party on this occasion! Everyone supports you and says in unison “what you did was right, so these rich people.” Then you decide together with family to move away from the city noise and hubbub, from this unbearable world of money and falsehood, but in reality you are first of all trying to escape from yourself, but more on that later. You are having a great time together on this unplanned “vacation”, it seems to you that you committed the most important and decisive act in life, naturally, this is only an illusion, but the world of fantasy and fiction is so beautiful,!