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Illusions attract us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute. For this we must accept without complaint when, coming into conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered. - Sigmund Freud A person needs thinking to solve a wide range of problems: technical, academic, everyday, social, creative, industrial, moral, etc. However, more often than not, these tasks are inextricably linked and the task itself becomes complex. Simple problems are solved by finding a new combination of its elements. Solving complex or systemic problems involves transforming the entire system through the introduction of new elements into it, which inevitably leads to a contradiction between the new and the old. The system receives a new impetus for development when contradictions are transformed into new opportunities. This is the specificity of innovative thinking. Contradictions can be transformed into opportunities, rather than avoided. Any process, phenomenon or object is a system interacting with a constantly changing environment. Changes in the interaction of an object with the environment lead to the transition of a potential contradiction into an actual one. Therefore, we can distinguish contradictions: intrasystem, intersystem, systems with the environment. The viability of innovations is determined by the level of demand for them from society. Therefore, innovative thinking is deeply humanitarian. When we think innovatively, we don't just strive to create new products or services. We are committed to change. We want to improve the world around us, make it more friendly, fair and possibilistic. The process of transforming a contradiction into opportunities consists of two stages: Reflection stage: 1/ Fixation of a contradiction, i.e. recognition of the fact of its existence. This is facilitated by switching attention from the cyclical nature of everyday life to its dynamics. By tracking changes, we maintain control, management and forecast of the development of events. 2/Emotional acceptance of contradiction through neutralizing the influence of fear, anxiety, panic. This is easier to do if you perceive the contradiction as a source of improving life for all participants.3/ Formulation of the contradiction in the form of a short formula (on the one hand..., on the other hand...). This is the most difficult stage, because emotions interfere with logic. And the most important, because. without it, it is impossible to set the right goal.4/ Search and awareness of resources using constructive imagination. Practical stage: 5/ Application of the found resources in experimental mode, which sometimes forces you to go through the path of reflection from the very beginning. 6/ Selecting one main and at least two backup options for transforming the contradiction. This is necessary to correct your actions under changed conditions.7/ Using the selected option as an action algorithm.8/ Searching for the possible application of the found action algorithm to a wider range of processes, phenomena or objects. For example, from the sphere of interaction person-person to interaction person-group, or from the sphere of interaction technology-nature to interaction technology-civilization, etc. The synthesis of logic, constructive imagination and voluntary attention is necessary for the implementation of both stages. Logic: helps to structure and analyze information, see resourcesImagination: allows you to see things from a new perspective and create non-standard solutions, helps to overcome the inertia of a psychological attitude, Voluntary attention (the ability to focus on a task or problem, ignoring everything else): allows you to realize the depth of the problem and strictly adhere to the intended path. For To carry out the synthesis of these processes, it is necessary to use time-tested methods of neuropsychology, art therapy, creativity psychology, incl. TRIZ / Theory of solving inventive problems). The result of using innovative thinking in children is: increasing the effectiveness of the educational process,.