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Nowadays, it is no secret to anyone that childhood is the most sensitive period in a person’s life. It is in childhood that the formation and development of personality, basic character traits, and the development of all cognitive functions and ways of reacting take place. It is in childhood that the first seeds of misunderstanding of the external and internal world, rejection of oneself and others are laid, which inevitably leads to the loss of a subtle connection with one’s true self. Where do these problems and complexes come from if each parent, as a rule, wishes for his dear only the best for your child? How does it happen that a child, having matured a little, finds himself caught in the snare of his own uncertainty and anxiety, or, on the contrary, untied and arrogant? What do girls want, first of all, plump lips, a beautiful fur coat and a perfect body? They don't want children, just dreaming of a rich prince with an expensive car? Or vice versa - with anyone, but not alone, let her smoke, drink, it’s okay, the main thing is that in front of someone? While boys are afraid and avoid responsibility at all costs, the opposite sex is perceived only as a sexual object? Why has it become strange and abnormal to think about family, but about career and money in a very modern way? At what point did the value change occur? Or do parents really instill in their children a worldview, according to which one should strive only for material wealth and the satisfaction of lower needs for pleasure and enjoyment, which inevitably leads to degradation and withering of a person’s spiritual world? Can truly loving parents neglect such categories as soul, love, nobility, courage, responsibility, care, trust, responsibility and family? First of all, the task of parents is to prepare the child for an independent journey along his life path in love and joy, to help shape the basics of understanding existence and the skills of interacting with reality, through your own example, and let go as early as possible, allowing you to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, gaining irreplaceable personal experience. A child comes into this world completely defenseless and fragile. He needs unconditional love, affection and care from his parents just as much as he needs air and food. It is the lack of love that is the true cause of most psychological problems of our time. Often the upbringing of children is placed on the shoulders of grandparents, kindergarten and nanny, under the guise of the need to earn money, which is so necessary to support the child. Over time, the child begins to feel lonely and unnecessary, begins to feel like a so-called burden, believing that it is he who is the reason for the parents’ hard work, thereby developing a feeling of guilt for what is happening. After a tiring day at work, parents most often cannot give their child “quality” attention. Tired and irritated, they seem to be playing together, asking how the day went, but in fact, “here and now” they are not included in what is happening, they are absent, and the child feels this very well. To make up for the lack of love and care of the parents, the baby begins to attract their attention in every possible way and most often in the form of whims, hysterics, aggression and illness. Parents, in turn, instead of care and affection, unconsciously begin to pay off their own child, overwhelming him with new toys, gadgets, goodies, thereby forming a consumer attitude towards life, towards people, towards the world as a whole, and thereby increasing the spiritual and emotional distance in a relationship. That is, instead of a gentle kiss, a tight hug, a walk together or entertainment, or a heart-to-heart conversation, the child receives a chocolate bar. Is this really equivalent? However, what can a child do except believe that this is so? Very often modern parents complain that their children refuse to listen to them, so to speak, do not hear them. The natural question here is, do we really hear?your children? After all, aggressive behavior, constant whims and unwillingness to cooperate are nothing more than a cry for help, a lack of unconditional and conscious love from parents. The child asks for attention, asks for affection, care and understanding. Parents more often perceive these manifestations as ordinary whims and manipulation. Children are a wonderful indicator of our maturity and awareness of the world around us. Sometimes they ask questions that not every adult asks themselves, or even rather avoids. Questions whose depth is difficult to overestimate, and the search for an answer can take a lifetime. However, this is not a reason to leave children in the dark, answering “when you grow up, you will understand,” “don’t interfere,” “don’t ask stupid questions.” It is much better to think together, share opinions, thereby helping to form a special understanding of the structure of life and the universe. After all, each of us was an inquisitive child, and can remember that aftertaste in the form of disappointment and resentment towards ourselves and constantly busy adults. In the same way, our children become isolated and stop trusting us when they are asked again and again to wait, to grow up, to fall behind. The result of such relationships is that the child turns to other sources of information, of which there are a great many in our time. While parents neglect live communication with their children, they are brought up by television and computers. Therefore, the child’s consciousness becomes overgrown with ideas about life imposed on him by the characters of cartoons, movies, television shows, computer games, and modern magazines. Everything would be fine if the information disseminated by the mentioned sources was truly aimed at nurturing noble human qualities, if the tendency to destroy common sense and cloud the consciousness of viewers, primarily children and adolescents, did not develop. Recently, a very strong emphasis has been placed on external attractiveness and sexuality; family and family values ​​are often mentioned in a negative way. Of course, this is veiled under honesty and reluctance to misinform the younger generation. However, if you go to the pages on social networks of boys and girls from 12 to 18 years old, you can see photos in their underwear and with glasses in their hands - all these are the results of media education. At the same time, there is continuous advertising, which repeats nothing more than “Consume! Consume! Consume!”, he says, “Buy it and you will become fashionable, cool, beautiful, healthy.” Of course, there are programs of a spiritual orientation, but they simply drown in this ocean of broadcast ignorance. In addition, with the development of technology and the introduction of computers, mobile phones and consoles, reality is increasingly distorted. Instead of going to the zoo - the Internet, instead of history books and conversations with the older generation - war in the vastness of virtual space. Instead of names - “nicknames”, instead of a walk - another capture of the fortress, instead of live communication - headphones and a microphone. Is this how courage and nobility can be cultivated? Is this how strong, true friendship and responsibility can be formed? Is there a place for humanity, love and compassion here? Unfortunately, the answer is no. All this virtual reality dulls the perception of reality. Often such a player turns out to be unadapted to life, because here you cannot simply leave the game at a dangerous moment; you need to be able to stand up for yourself, express your own opinion, share your feelings, since in reality there is no save or reload function. Moreover, “thanks to” virtual games, aggression, selfishness and a sense of impunity in one’s own actions develop. Nowadays, gambling addiction is on a par with alcoholism, drug addiction and other dangerous diseases of mankind. There are many ways to attack the subconscious of the younger generation, and no matter what methods are used, they are invented and implemented by adults, that is, either already established or potential parents! What guides us? Unwillingness to spend time on sincere communication with your children? Or.