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From the author: From the author: I invite you to the website of our center Watch my videos on Youtube and leave comments Use the power of thought! “Thoughts are material” - everyone managed to realize this statement of Bertolt Brecht at least once in their life using the example of their own life. Just like the famous saying - “if you want to be happy, be it!” How often has this happened to us - anxious thoughts about the future prevent us from falling asleep, like crumbs in bed. They don't allow you to relax and switch off. Causes fears about tomorrow. And fears are very dangerous. Even in ancient times, people knew very well that if you think about something truly terrible, the likelihood that it will happen increases significantly. The power of positive thinking: “The Gopher walked and walked and didn’t meet anyone.” Every time the force of attraction of thought is mentioned in a conversation, I recall an old children’s cartoon about Home and the Gopher. About how Khoma first frightened his friend with scary tales, and then, in order to send him home, he ended all the stories about terrible adventures with a single phrase: “The gopher walked and walked and didn’t meet anyone.” Reciting this phrase, Suslik reached home safely, despite the predators lying in wait for him. And Khoma could not sleep, remembering the terrible stories invented and told by himself. This is the power of positive thinking - “think about the good, don’t remember the bad.” How does this happen in practice? The power of human thought is the investment of psychic energy in the information field of thought. The higher the energy level, the greater the likelihood of thought materialization. Remember the old children's fairy tales - when a magic object (lamp, ring or wand) made it possible to fulfill any desire? You just had to clearly define what exactly you want, and then the force of attraction of thought will definitely work. But the main thing in this plot is to think about exactly what you want, and not about what you frankly don’t want. Because - and we have already talked about this - you should not think about the bad, even in a negative way. Don't think about the white monkey A person who is not in good health thinks that everything hurts. A person who has financial difficulties thinks that he has nothing to pay for an apartment, for a loan or for studies. It `s naturally? In fact, it is very harmful. Thoughts about negative circumstances attract these circumstances. Particularly terrible thoughts stand out - about murder and suicide. They also have enormous power. Experts in the field of psychoenergetics argue that even if, after reflection, you have given up violent and suicidal thoughts, such thoughts, thrown into the noosphere, can be attracted by some other person who will carry them out. This, naturally, is the most catastrophic option, but it is also possible. Therefore, psychologists and psychoenergetics specialists often advise, if you catch yourself in a negative thought or desire, to “erase” it in your mind. And, if we talk about less terrible negative circumstances, the general rule is this. If you lament about lack of money, there will be no more money (or maybe there will be less), because you are not thinking in a positive, but in a negative way. It’s the same with health: you shouldn’t focus on your “sores”, they love it, and they begin to remind you of themselves more and more actively. So what to do? Don't think that you don't have money - think that you DO have it! And there will be more of them, because the proverb says “money to money.” The subconscious, tuned in a positive way, connects to the information field of the Noosphere in the same way, as a result of which your life begins to change for the better. In general, as another song says: “Don’t think about anything that could end badly!” Think about what will continue to go well. Visualization of sensory ideas - how does it work? How can I ensure that everything becomes “my way”? In fact, this does not require much effort and resources. You just need to visualize this “own desire”, imagine it before your eyes. Modern scientists