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We are all, in one way or another, accustomed to evaluating and valuing ourselves, in connection with certain living conditions, work, relationships, successes, etc. And there is a feeling that when I reach some standards, then hurray, my brain can splash out serotonin, endorphin, dopamine and here it is happiness and social recognition, hurray. As if it is unacceptable for a person living in a state of frustration and mistakes to feel confident and worthy, only suffering and humiliation are your ceiling. I want to strongly disagree with this, and support people in a sense of confidence and dignity, no matter what. Confidence is the absence of doubt. But how can you not doubt yourself and your behavior when the result is bad? Well, doubt is when a person cannot make a final judgment on any matter, therefore the judgment is worth accepting. As they say, “I accept it.” I accept my mistakes, my imperfect life, because at every moment we do the best we can. Of course, it’s possible to cry over last year’s melted snow, but it’s pointless because the past can never be returned. So, what to do then if you no longer doubt and no longer mourn? The first thing you can do is try to learn a lesson - how you can treat me and how you can’t, what I’m capable of, what I want and what I don’t want for myself in my life? Answer these and many other questions. The second and last thing is the most difficult and difficult thing in our time of the Internet and the demonstration of success and beauty, this is how society works now, but this trend is already changing a little and it’s cool - that people hide everything bad and unsightly, and it seems that everyone is less and less normal , and I’m the only one who feels so unsightly and bad. Learn to treat your life and yourself with love, dignity and respect no matter what. What then will become possible in your life because of this? How do you think? How then will your attitude towards different things change, how will your perception, your behavior or your well-being change during a certain behavior? Which states will open up and strengthen in you, and which states will begin to appear much less frequently? Harmony is not the absence of bad things, it is when a person has absolutely everything and it is so naturally combined in a person, so alive, so creative, with kindness and joy from creation. I understand a certain romantic mood of this article and I want to admit that sometimes it is impossible to change ourselves and our well-being; we are socio-political beings and live in connections with other people and this world. Therefore, it can be difficult to feel 100% good when the environment is not 100% consistent with our expectations. Moreover, everything is dynamic in the world and in us. But trying, trying to appreciate the beautiful things that exist in this world, bringing the values ​​of confidence, love, happiness, prosperity and all kinds of benefits is one of the super cool missions, purposes, goals - call it what you want, which I want to share and bring to you through my texts And so on. I hope this resonates with you somehow too) Thank you for reading, I hope you found it interesting and liked it. I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of the article, success to you and have a wonderful day.