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In continuation of the previous post How to resist temptations and strengthen willpower? 1 In this, you will understand the system of work and why it is not always possible to follow your plans and initiatives, and most importantly, how to start correcting this. So, as I said, we have an irrational type of thinking and an area of ​​the brain associated with it in the limbic system, responsible for intuition, impulses, emotions, pleasure, fear, anxiety. It all appears there. Let's call it "System 1", it has in the past helped us survive through immediate avoidance of danger, discomfort and displeasure. Why is it so easy to get hooked on quick dopamines and pleasures, such as fast food, food, computer games, drug use, alcohol, smoking, etc. The brain perceives all these things as satisfying the need for security and sees it as a certain benefit, because it brings pleasure to a person, which cannot be life-threatening, therefore protects. Therefore, sometimes it is pleasant to do some non-useful things, because they cause a feeling of security. But, fortunately, we have, unlike the limbic " System 1”, there is also “System 2”, this is the neocortex, in the prefrontal cortex. This is exactly the distributor that helps us make the right choices and subordinate momentary incentives and desires to long-term goals. Limbic system vs prefrontal system, who wins? For example, a woman who decided to lose weight in the morning, in the evening observes a struggle between the limbic system, which shouts “I want a cake” and the prefrontal one, which says, “Have you decided to lose weight, honey?” And most often, in this fight, the limbic system wins over the PFC - the prefrontal cortex, which turns us into its slaves, forcing us to make wrong decisions and choices that affect our health, success, quality of life. I’ll tell you the secret now, which is that our self-control is a limited resource. It’s like a muscle that if you pump it too hard, it gets tired. Have you noticed that after some kind of high mental stress, emergency work, an intense working day, several consultations in a row, you want to give yourself some relief, for example in a diet, to allow yourself more some buns, drink a cocktail, smoke a cigarette, relax and let go of this control for yourself in some way. Therefore, your inability to achieve your promises and goals is not poor self-discipline or a manifestation of weakness, but the consequences of the fact that your resources self-control has already been exhausted. Do you agree? 1) My “Course of overcoming depression, anxiety and neurosis.” https://youtu.be/nShHAGTjIno 2) Book “Self-help for neurosis - 15 techniques for fear and anxiety.” https://ridero .ru/books/widget/samopomosh_pri_nevroze/ 3) My courses for psychologists: https://www.b17.ru/a_vyukov/#training2 4) Registration for a face-to-face cognitive behavioral group in St. Petersburg. https://www.b17. ru/trainings/kognitivno-povedencheskaya_gruppa_/