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Many people have such a strong need for love that it turns into addiction. Dependence not on a person, but on the emotions that you feel for him, on the fact that he has become for you that source of joy that you have not found anywhere else, neither in your parents, nor in yourself, nor in your activities. For those those with low self-esteem fall in love not with some unique person, but with someone with whom you feel unique, or smart, or very beautiful or sexy. When you give a person the opportunity to feel like that, you will immediately notice sympathy for yourself. But people mainly think about how they look in the eyes of their loved one, whether they said a smart thing or a stupid thing, etc. We are all very passionate about ourselves, even in love. Some people are in a relationship so much that their partner cannot say a word, or they call their partner 1000 times a day. If you want to be loved, then you should be sought after, you should want to call. When you “overfeed” a person with yourself, he becomes satiated and your importance falls. Often people understand this, but still do it, this is a sign of addictive behavior, like drug addiction. You understand that you can’t do this, but you need another dose of love and attention, regardless of what your lover is doing. In such cases, therapy is needed, otherwise the relationship will most likely fizzle out. The love of an addict is a serious test for a partner. The addict is in a childish position: “Give, give, give...me love and affection, no matter what you are doing at this moment.” The “take-give” balance in such relationships is disrupted. There is little respect for the partner’s personal space, he is attacked with love and eaten up emotionally. This is especially difficult for people with an avoidant attachment type, the name speaks for itself, they need more personal space than others, but they are the ones chosen by emotionally dependent people for relationships. You understand, relationships develop according to the principle “Catch me if you can.” In order to be interesting to your partner, you need to understand who you are without him, what kind of personal space you have, what it is filled with and how you manifest yourself outside. Then you are a separate person who can give something to others. It would also be nice to understand your needs and the needs of your partner and find a compromise between them. You may also find my articles about the dependent type of attachment https://www.b17.ru/article/trevozniy-tip-privjazannosti/?prt=213117 useful , how to cope with love addiction https://www.b17.ru/article/kak-spravitsya-s-lubovnoi-zavisimostij/?prt=213117 Sincerely, Your psychologist Daria Viktorovna Lyapkalo. Sign up for consultations with me in person and online Telegram, whatsapp +7 952 246 08 60