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It happens that at the beginning of a conversation at a psychologist’s appointment, among other things, something like: “I want...... I don’t break out in a sweat when communicating”;... I stopped blushing at every occasion";...my hands stopped shaking while talking with..."...I could calmly carry on a conversation, and not stand like a statue, trying to find the words..."...I did not become a “graven" in the boss’s office..." ...in contact with men, I didn’t shake like a leaf”...Does this sound familiar? I think yes. This is definitely familiar to many psychologists and psychotherapists as stories that unfold in their work with clients. Many people have to deal with similar conditions... Perhaps someone reading this text now experiences them periodically and has already uttered similar phrases, at least within themselves and is thinking about the reasons. Many excessive reactions of the body, as a rule, arise in communications with others or even when thinking about contacts with someone from the environment (sometimes even very distant). Before moving further, let's turn to one simple truth, known not only psychologists and psychotherapists, but also simply informed and inquisitive people - the body does not lie. With its reactions, it calls for attention to something. Whose attention do you think? Of course, the one to whom it happens. Emotions and the body are powerfully connected to each other. The body often very clearly demonstrates in a beautiful way the current changes in the emotional and sensory sphere of a person, even in the case when he does not have the habit of tracking them, but prefers not to notice or tries to ignore. The experiencing states that are generally designated in the above phrases are often seem heavy, painful, poisoning life. They do create a lot of inconvenience, but... If this applies to you, why not ask yourself what purpose they come for and what they indicate? The body's ability to create visible physiological reactions is remarkable, considering that it provides great opportunities to discover something important in order to change a lot of things in one’s internal state for the better and ultimately improve one’s quality of life. A truly remarkable ability! People who do not take this into account and do not use it, or simply are not aware of the positive function of overreactions , sometimes they try to eliminate them, to stop them by force of will. However, this is unrealistic in most cases. And moreover... With this approach, it is not at all surprising when already excessive reactions intensify. Trying to stop blushing or trembling, simply ordering yourself, most often leads to the opposite result - an increase in the reaction. But understanding what such reactions indicate , gives a chance to discover their true causes and indicates the necessary direction of work in order to acquire greater internal freedom. In a person who is sufficiently internally free, the body does not regularly produce excessive vegetative reactions. Practice shows that behind the tendency to blush, turn pale and fall into a stupor, etc. .d. there may be some unhealed psychological traumas (possibly, seemingly forgotten), self-doubt, low self-esteem, etc. The body, with the help of excessive reactions, seems to be calling out: “Hear yourself! Heal! Free yourself from old rubbish! It’s time to move towards freedom!” When pressing internal tasks related to the emotional and sensory sphere are solved, the uncomfortable reactions of the body that caused trouble disappear completely or at least become less pronounced (this depends largely on the depth of the problems’ elaboration). And how No matter how familiar this may sound to “advanced users,” there is a way out. But it is only for those who act. Does your body make you experience a lot of discomfort with its reactions? Then you think that it is not just hinting, but screaming at you furiously with the help of a megaphone that is impossible not to hear about the need to act. Do you want to solve the problem? It is most effective to do this under the guidance of a psychologist. Articles on the topic and about: Psychosomatics - the way of the soul