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I would like to continue the topic of motivation to lose weight and using this to change some aspects of your life (https://www.b17.ru/article/13080/ first part). What reasons make us refuse to change our own lives besides laziness, uncertainty, indecision, etc.? There is such a factor as other people’s assessment of us. I think many people are familiar with such phrases: “Ha, he (s) began to lose weight...”, “Oooh... you’re the smartest or something...” , "You? Study?" etc. Such phrases have a painful effect on our undertakings, especially on the undertakings of people whose confidence is not strong enough. Often this is said by people who themselves are not capable of anything and want you to remain at their level. When you begin to change, I am sure those who said this will change their attitude towards you, and not for the better. I call such people instigators; such people were shot in Soviet times. They are driven by envy that you were able to, and they are still at the same level where they were. You have become better than them and with the help of the above phrases they want to throw you off the peak that you began to conquer. Therefore, I would like to say that you learn to filter the information coming to you from others. Take only what is necessary and useful for you, so that no “avalanche” could stop you on the path to conquering the peaks.