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This publication will talk about how unconditional love is found and how to bring it into a relationship. Now we will talk about closeness in relationships, about the ability to understand each other perfectly. It is not without reason that they say that “husband and wife are one Satan.” What is meant here is that people living together seem to become one. This unification can manifest itself in situations, for example, when your significant other voices what you just thought (“thoughts converge”). Or you may be united under one idea. You may have a common hobby, etc. People who live together for a long time in some cases even become outwardly similar to each other. So, by love we mean the force that unites two people into a whole. This is the power of unification, unity. And in order to normalize relations, it is necessary to become closer to each other or, in other words, to unite, to merge into one whole. How does such unity usually occur? What are the prerequisites for the formation of what is called a “couple”? Let’s say two people with the character of strong and successful in their business begin to meet. They have ended the “candy-bouquet” period, and in order for a pairing to occur in order to create a long-term relationship, it is necessary for someone to become more compliant, more pliable, one might say, to moderate their temper, to make concessions. Why is this? As we know from the school physics course (sorry :), two identical poles always repel. And in order for a unification to occur, for a whole to be formed, “+” and “-” are required. And as usually happens in such relationships, one person begins to demand from his other half that she “sits in the kitchen and bakes pies, cooks borsch". If the other half does not agree with this situation, then such clashes lead to the fact that a couple or a long-term union is not formed. Relationships come to naught... In other cases, when not two, say, “pluses” begin to meet, as in our example, but “+” and “-”, then the following options are possible: - the man has become “softer”, and the woman is “stronger”; - the man has become “stronger”, and the woman has become “softer”. The other half showed something, showed something that was not noticeable before. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? If in the first case the man relaxes, calms down, and may even go under his thumb (I think we’ve heard that a married man’s testosterone level is slightly lower than that of an unmarried man :)), then in the second case a man receives a dose of self-confidence from his soulmate. There is such a thing as a “general’s wife”. This is exactly the case when a woman gives a man strength, confidence in making decisions and taking actions. None of these options are either bad or good. It just exists and that’s all. These examples clearly demonstrate how a couple is formed, how unity occurs based on some common characteristic (in the example, this is strength, confidence). But the signs themselves can be as different as you like. And the best option is love-tenderness, attentiveness to each other. In order for intimacy to appear, the first thing you need to do is learn to listen, and most importantly, hear your soul mate in order to understand her/him as deeply as possible. If If you learn to deeply understand your soulmate, the motives of her/his behavior, then this step can change a lot in the relationship. In fact, this means that you are able to empathize, share the values ​​and emotional state of your soulmate. It is as if you are directed from yourself to your soulmate, and at this moment you are one with her. How can you do this? First, try to feel what comes from your other half. And so that you don’t superimpose on this what you would like to hear, make your perception pure. In other words, listen without interpreting, with an “empty” head. Try not to contradict the thoughts that arise when you listen to your significant other. So you will find out about her/his desires, needs,.