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1. Your independence and self-confidence If you are self-confident, self-sufficient, but despite this, you choose to be in a relationship with your loved one - most men consider such traits very sexy. A woman who knows that she is responsible for her own happiness and does not force a man to make her happy will always be incredibly attractive to him. The main thing is not to confuse dependence on your loved one with tender affection for him and then you will always feel harmony in your relationship with a man.2. Your respect for men A woman who respects and really knows how to listen will always be incredibly attractive to any man. And if she also knows how to look at him with delight and from time to time tell him some kind of sweet compliment, then such a woman simply will not have equals.3. Your curiosity about the world around you You must be really interested in living. Your eyes should glow with a thirst for life. Find a job or hobby that will inspire and develop you. Something that you can share with the world and thus make your contribution to it. Be enthusiastic, open to new cultures, willing to try exotic foods, and accepting that people may have a different point of view than you. Try to look at things with different eyes when someone opens up the world to you from their side. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn new things. Make people feel comfortable talking to you about any topic, knowing that you will not judge them. All these qualities are very attractive indeed.4. Your positive attitude towards lifeYour glass is always half full. You can find good in bad, you are always looking for something positive. People are drawn to you and want to be around you because you lift their spirits. Your positivity is truly contagious. Men always strive to find such a woman, and when they find them, they never let go.5. Your grooming I think that it has long been no secret to anyone that a well-groomed woman will always fascinate and attract the gaze of not only men, but even women. After all, if a woman first of all likes herself, then her mood automatically improves and her self-esteem rises, which has a positive effect on her general condition. And, of course, everyone else, including men, cannot help but notice this.6. Your sense of humor Maybe you yourself like to joke, or maybe you just understand jokes easily and like to laugh. Don't let people feel like they need to "filter" themselves around you. After all, you understand sarcasm and can respond in kind without offense. Men really appreciate a good sense of humor in a woman. 7. Your compassion for others Be a woman who is always ready to help her loved ones. You don't have to ask for help for a long time - be ready to provide it. Become the best version of yourself.8. Your thirst for adventure Always look for new experiences, try and see everything. Be ready for a spontaneous journey, ready to do even what you are very afraid of. Don’t be averse to going on a trip yourself, even if you decide at the last moment. Let it never be boring with you - neither you nor everyone else. A woman who is endowed with all these qualities simply has no chance of being left without the attention of any man. The main thing is to remember and believe that you are the best and then the whole world will believe it. Live brightly and richly, success to you! If this article was useful and interesting for you, do not forget to click “thank you” - it’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me) Sincerely, your psychologist, Victoria Kirsta