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Men love variety... how to avoid cheating? The issue of male infidelity is almost the hottest issue in the war of the sexes and debates about monogamy. And no matter how much women, feminists, leftists, rightists beat themselves in the chest with their fists shouting about equality, the fact remains: men are by nature DIFFERENT than us women. If only because their innate ethological program is to prolong their lineage, to pass on their gene to as many “females” as possible, while the latter have a different program: to choose one, the best, to have offspring. And this, you know, is serious. This is first for 9 months, and then for the rest of your life... And if, O woman, the righteous fire of the struggle for justice has ignited in you, just read the following parable: Once upon a time, a very educated woman came to visit the great Chinese thinker Confucius. From time to time, a woman asked him a question: “Tell me, Confucius, why when a woman has many lovers, she is subjected to public censure, and when a man has many women, this increases his social status and adds authority.” Before answering, Confucius silently brewed tea and poured it into six cups. “Tell me,” he asked her after that, “when one teapot pours tea leaves into six cups, is this normal?” - Yes. - the woman answered. - Here you see! - Confucius answered with a grin - And when six teapots are poured into one cup at once, then this is not just abnormal, but, moreover, disgusting and unnatural... And yet, each of us wants the man not to cheat. Only a stupid woman will prove to a man that he MUST remain faithful and demand monogamy from him. The wise one will soberly assess the state of things and make every effort to ensure that SHE did not want to change... How to do this? Firstly, it should be remembered that a man loves with his eyes, although we should not forget about other senses. Not taking care of yourself is a serious flaw for a man; for a woman it is a crime. Therefore, your body should not only look good, but also be pleasant to the touch (skin, hair, figure), smell (and therefore healthy), sound (of course, you walk around the house like a cat?) and even taste. By the way, according to the Vedas, this is almost the main female task - to be beautiful! Secondly, just like our ancestors once did, today’s men are looking for special signs in a woman that show that he is interesting and desirable. Such signs are shown by animals during the mating season, and we women unknowingly show a man at the beginning of a relationship, at the peak of a hormonal surge. Sparkling eyes, a flirtatious gait, a hazy look, a lowered voice, “random” touches... They disappear when a woman has the illusion that she knows this man well and he belongs to her. Get rid of this illusion, remember that every day with this person could be your last, and it will be like the first - every time! Thirdly, men look for novelty in women. Being different is the key to success. To be, and not to play different roles, means to be able to “include” different women, different states. Today there are many divisions of men and women according to archetypes. All these archetypes are present in each of us. It’s just common for women to get stuck in a familiar role. Moreover, usually up to the age of 25-30, women are in an active search for “themselves” - and in fact, a winning image, role, style. Having found him, many do not want to part with him (simply change) when he stops “working”, for example, “turning on” his beloved husband. Let's take, for example, 4 basic archetypes for the female elements: fire (Mistress, huntress), water (Princess, girl), air (Queen, sorceress) and earth (Mistress, mother). If you have received 2 higher educations, made a career and traveled halfway around the world, you attracted your man with your independence, intelligence, development, i.e. image of the Queen - this does not mean at all that tomorrow he will not want to be next to a weak, defenseless and capricious girl, and the day after tomorrow - with a fiery passionate panther, and the day after tomorrow he!