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From the author: By clearing your apartment of unnecessary things, you clear your life of unnecessary things. Things are one of the main problems of any home today. Empty boxes, gifts we don't like or have outgrown, kitchen utensils we don't use, clothes we inherited from relatives that we never wear, or inherited items we don't part with just out of guilt for the deceased, this list can be continued indefinitely. We don’t need these things. Those people who want to live in the present, perceive life openly and gain new experiences are advised to get rid of everything old and unnecessary: ​​old things in the closet that you no longer wear, memories that are unpleasant. Of course, our memories are very important in our lives, this is our experience, our whole life consists of memories, BUT this is already in the PAST, just note that you are living in the past when you take events out of your memory and replay them in your head. When unnecessary things accumulate, life slows down, no significant changes occur, everything goes on as usual. Those who are thirsty for changes in their lives - first of all, take care of yourself, your personal space, look around and look at things, objects with which you do not interact, do not come into contact, or at those things that make you feel unpleasant emotions. Give them to a charity, sell them, and use the proceeds to buy what you really need, or simply take unnecessary things to the trash. By freeing up space in your home, there will be space in your life for new events and new experiences. The world is cyclical, something new always comes to replace the old. A tree will never be exactly the same as a year ago or even the same as a minute ago. Free up space in your closet from things that you don’t wear - new things will come in their place that will suit you today, and not you yesterday or you five years ago. Most of us keep old clothes just in case, thinking that one day we will need them or the kids will love them. But it’s much better to live for today and make room for the things we like to wear now. Many people hold on to jobs they don’t love out of fear of starting something new because it involves the unknown. Others hold on to personal relationships that do not bring them pleasure out of fear of emotional turmoil. But by getting rid of material garbage in the apartment, we learn to see the benefits of parting with the past, and this helps us get rid of the garbage in our heads that slows down our development. It will be more difficult to place something new in our life if there is no place for this new soul, neither in space, nor in our lives.