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In everything and always there are periods called crises. The age crisis, for example, is familiar to everyone. Almost like: “You’re having a midlife crisis.” As for the crisis of relations, this has not yet become mainstream, although this also has its pitfalls. And I will talk about them very briefly. I will warn you in advance that you should not be afraid of crises, because these are, in a way, steps to a new level. The very first crisis occurs after about six months of a relationship or when the couple decides to live together. It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and learn to see, hear and feel a new person nearby within four walls. During this period, the colors of life may fade a little: you will begin to see your partner’s shortcomings, get tired of the routine and get bored. This is the most ideal period for a joint holiday. Crisis of 3-5 years This crisis is quite often noticeable in relationships. By this period, many couples already have children and the most important everyday problems begin to accumulate: lack of time for each other, postpartum depression, lack of strength and simply lack of money. By this time, falling in love had long gone and the main crisis had arrived, which only worldly wisdom could cope with. By the way, most divorces occur during this period. To maintain a relationship, it is important to support each other and remember that very soon life will become easier. Everything that surrounds you is only a part of life, and not the whole life. Crisis of 7 years During this period, a relationship crisis appears due to the so-called psychological fatigue from each other. Together it's boring, apart it's no longer interesting. Romance disappears completely, and sex becomes boring and monotonous. Problems in relationships after 7 years of marriage often coincide with a midlife crisis. In this situation, you cannot turn away from each other; the only way out is to solve problems together and strive to preserve the relationship. Crisis of 13 years This is a crisis of conflicts and quarrels. They can arise for a wide variety of reasons and even without them - out of nowhere. For example, different views on raising a child who is already becoming a teenager. The clash of age crises of men, women and children. Different views on future life and life lived. This is a crisis of rebellion and freedom. Moreover, freedom is necessary not only from children and living conditions, but also from the partner himself. This is the time when one person has a great desire to change something in life, while the other does not have this desire. Often men defend relationships during a 7-year crisis, but after 13-14 years they calmly leave the family with the knowledge that everything has already been done: “The house is built, the tree is planted and the child is born.” Crisis of 25 years This crisis is also called the “empty” crisis nests" when children leave the family, and partners are left with a feeling of longing and memories of the past. To survive this time painlessly, you need to be prepared for it. Remember that children growing up is natural and learn to enjoy their own lives together. This is the time when you can try to start a new life in a new role, feeling free and happy again. After all, there will never be any more crises ahead. * Subscribe to my YouTube channel: PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY * More articles on my Instagram *: INSTGR_LINK * Add as a friend on VKontakte: Yulia Yakovkina * Link to my current COURSE ON DEPENDENCE * Link to my useful CHECKLIST ON ANXIETY *** I thank everyone for comments, subscriptions and maintaining an atmosphere of creativity on my author’s page on b17.* Instagram belongs to Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.