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Conflict is a clash of views, opinions, and desires that are opposite in direction. It's like a traffic light with two or three lights on at once. A person does not understand what to do. In the scientific community, there is an opinion that intrapersonal conflict is presented in the form of an acute, critical self-awareness and experiences of the individual, which will be caused by a long struggle between the structures of the individual’s inner world, which will subsequently reflect contradictory connections with the surrounding social environment and interfere with making a competent decision in a specific situation, and also hinders active actions aimed at implementing the plan [Antsupov A.Ya. Conflictology] If the conflict has a destructive direction, the potential of the individual is not fully used. The effects of personal potential are determined by such concepts as will, ego strength, internal support, locus of control, action orientation, etc. They can be identified with the help of a specialist who knows how to ask the right questions, for example a coach. Resilience is an integrative personal quality that allows you to successfully endure stressful situations , while maintaining optimal performance and maintaining internal balance. The main components of resilience are the individual’s conviction of readiness to cope with the situation, and openness to everything new. Resilience includes three components, namely: involvement, control, and risk taking. [https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/162319741.pdf]It should be noted that people who have been in a state of internal conflict for a long time become aggressive or, on the contrary, weak-willed and dependent. This is manifested in the desire to blame others, apathy, lack of interest in favorite activities, inability to move forward and take active actions. If a person does not make the right decisions at the right time, he misses chances and opportunities. Including financial benefits. This reduces personal income, and possibly the income of families and businesses. If we continue the traffic light metaphor: a person himself can control and turn on the desired traffic light signal and control its duration.