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How to become a good driver. Masterful driving is easy and fast with the help of psychotechnology. “It’s not the driver who drives the wheel, but the one who drives the car.” Folk wisdom The question that I now want to answer is asked to me very often: “How to become a good driver without many years of driving experience?” I will not only answer, but tell you how to solve the problem related to this. Indeed, why do some become first-class drivers, while others remain passengers with the steering wheel in their hands? What does this depend on? You will say that everything depends on knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. And you will be right. But only partly. Skills and experience can be modeled. This is possible with innovative psychotechnologies that I use in my work. But that’s not what we’re talking about now... Leonid Yakubovich says in his TV show: “You chose the “prize” and become the proud owner of a car!” But “possession” is still very, very far away. It’s not uncommon for people to have cars, but not own them. The opposite also happens, as in the song from Radio Chanson: “It’s not me who has the car, it’s the car that has me.” Only those who “own” a car become excellent drivers. Please answer the question: How many points out of ten (according to your inner feelings) do you own your car? The answer to this question explains a lot. A person who truly possesses something merges with it into one whole, and at the same time feels “it” as part of himself. As an example: well-fitted clothes, comfortable shoes, sports equipment for athletes... And where are the eyes of a blind person? That's right, at the tip of the cane. The dimensions of a good driver are increased to the dimensions of his car. He may not realize it, but it is true. As soon as the driver begins to feel the car as part of himself, reducing it (at the level of sensations) to his own size, or increasing (and this is more correct) to the size of a car, he becomes the owner of this car, begins to feel the dimensions of the car, the play of the steering wheel, the “idling” of the pedals and even tire grip on the road. These sensations come with time, but the technique that I am now generously sharing with you allows you to achieve them even before you turn the key in the ignition. This is achieved through breathing exercises. Breathing is the only human function that is controlled by both consciousness and unconscious. We can, concentrating on breathing, breathe with different frequencies and depths, we can consciously hold our breath for a while. When we don’t think about breathing, we breathe in accordance with our thoughts. A sleeping person who has been relieved of physical activity breathes rapidly, while during “nightmares” the breathing is “ragged.” But this happens not only in dreams. Immerse yourself in the deep memories of your sports activities, remember yourself in moments of danger, or imagine (feel) how you play sports, and you yourself will not notice how your breathing will change. But you and I are now interested not in the effect on breathing, but in the reverse process. So... Imagine your “center” somewhere inside yourself. It can be anywhere: in the chest, head, stomach. Mentally transfer it to the navel area. Simply fix your attention on the “center” and drag it into the abdominal cavity behind the navel. If extraneous thoughts, some images, feelings creep into your head, do not pay attention to them. Let them, like waves rolling onto the shore, flow back: “I’ll think about it later. Now the main thing is my center.” By the way. What is it like for you? What are the dimensions of this ball? What does it consist of? Is it energy, gel, gas...? What color is it? Continuing to concentrate your attention on the “center”, become aware of your breathing. Breathe with your belly. Imagine that you are inhaling the energy of the surrounding space along with the air. Inhale through your mouth and exhale into the center of yourself. Fix your attention on the fact that the “ball” becomes denser and begins to increase. Just fix it. No effort, no action, no attempt to consciously change anything. Just watch. You observe how, through your breath, you.