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Be sure to plan a trip for yourself during the New Year holidays. And it’s not even a matter of money, effort and time. This could be a trip, for example, to an ancient temple or monastery in your city. A trip to the holiday supermarket, which is also vast, sparkling with Christmas tree lights and bright holiday tinsel. Of course, the real trip is always a priority. Indeed, what could be more romantic, for example, a Christmas holiday in Europe, or a New Year's tour to a hot tropical country - in contrast. Positive emotions play an important role, they can be therapeutic. The very fact of changing places, new experiences, movement should undoubtedly bring positive moments into your life. Unload your brain, immerse yourself in a new visual range. Yes, just move! For Muscovites, such an unforgettable trip, even for one or two days, can be a tour to St. Petersburg. You certainly won't be bored there. Museums, excursions, cozy cafes, an exhibition of artists on Nevsky. Yes, all of St. Petersburg is a large open-air museum. You can just walk, watch and enjoy. In difficult moments of life, or when energy simply stagnates due to the monotony of internal and external events, distraction in the form of a trip in a cozy train carriage is just what the doctor ordered. The wheels are slowly knocking, the neighbors in the compartment have already fallen asleep, and on the table a spoon in a glass with a branded Russian Railways cup holder rattles rhythmically. Yes, indeed, you can find many options for relaxation, even without investing exorbitant resources into it. Just set yourself in an “adventurous” mood, if possible, find a travel companion, and - go ahead! During the New Year holidays, statistics indicate a decrease in the level of well-being among people actively celebrating. Especially if the celebration is expressed in an exorbitant amount of eaten and drunk, and in lying on the couch watching TV. An alternative to such a not very healthy vacation would be, even an unplanned trip to a place that is interesting to you. It doesn’t matter what this place is famous for, the main thing is that it evokes enthusiasm, the joy of discovering something new.