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We all make mistakes and blunders, but this does not stop us from enjoying life further. But sometimes, the feeling of guilt for what you have done does not go away, and poisons your current life. Why does this happen? “I made this choice myself” - “I’m to blame” - “I’m bad/self-hatred” - “I don’t deserve anything good.” And so on in a circle in rondo style. How to break this vicious circle of thoughts? · The action or inaction for which you feel guilty is in the past. We cannot change the past. But you can accept it and accept yourself in the present. You live here and now and walking your thoughts in circles brings nothing to your current life. Make life changes now. But not mentally, but by taking real actions. Useful, important, interesting, the opposite of those for which you feel guilty. This is compensation. Its goal is to balance positive thoughts and actions. · Having admitted guilt, accepting yourself as guilty, forgive yourself. We are not perfect. Be honest with yourself and others. They are not perfect either.· Awareness: separate guilt as a feeling and responsibility for the committed act. Admitting guilt is taking responsibility for what happened. The key word is it was! “It was there”, but now it’s not there. In the “here and now” there is no place for “was”, but only for “is”. Instead of endless self-flagellation, which is destructive and does not move you anywhere, focus on what you have now. What fills your life? What actions are you taking? What events do you live by? How do you spend energy? How do you develop personally?· Analyze how “bad experience” helps you? You have knowledge of the consequences in “the past” and the conclusions drawn can serve as support for you in living today and in planning the future. Guilt has a regulating function. · Remember, the future is not connected with the past, it is formed only from the present. If you are stuck in the “past-present” period, dragging a load of guilt behind you, you do not develop, do not advance, but stagnate. · The desire to correct a committed act can serve as motivation for movement. The actions you take reflect your life now. They increase self-esteem, form a position. Guilt helps us regulate behavior, as an adaptation mechanism for existence in society, motivates us, regulates relationships. But guilt is a complex emotional reaction, an affective state. If this is associated with shame, then a person with a feeling of guilt is still burdened with worries about the opinions of others about him, about his conformity to society. If guilt is the main feeling of life, it is better to undergo therapy with a specialist, since an unprocessed feeling of guilt (especially in severe cases) leads to auto-aggression, sharply reduces the quality of life, and entails other difficulties in social adaptation. Subscribe to my telegram channel https://t.me/KarpovaLine I'm always in touch)