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From the author: If you have only two theories in your head, you will inevitably try to explain what is happening within their framework. And when you understand that there are many more ways to form something than two, the chances of getting to the real roots are much higher. The brain is a very complex biocomputer that creates its programs in an infinite number of ways. Sexual orientation is just one of these programs. It will be discussed below. I have heard more than once from representatives of the classical school of psychoanalysis their versions of the process of formation of sexual orientation. The essence of the psychoanalytic approach to this issue is simple: sexual orientation is the result of the treatment and communication of parents with their child. Naturally, from this point of view, the personal characteristics of educators, relationships in the family, the absence of one of the parents, etc. become of great importance. The rise of genetics in the twentieth century led to the fact that the psychoanalytic fraternity finally partly recognized the genetic version of the formation of homosexual orientation, as male and female. Things somehow didn’t go further. This would require a revision of the cornerstone postulates of classical psychoanalysis. Family or genetics. Two versions... Could this be? But there are also transsexuals, and bisexuals, and zoophiles, and necrophiles, and thousands more... fils. I'll say more. No one has yet been able to properly describe, while remaining within the framework of the genetic and psychoanalytic versions, even how a “normal” heterosexual orientation is formed and why, for example, of two identical twin boys with the same genetics and parents, one becomes gay and the other heterosexual? Such a question can only be answered if we go beyond the two versions described above (psychoanalytic and genetic) into the expanses of the ocean of life raging around us. I will take no more than a couple of minutes to briefly outline my approach to this issue. Personally, I am deeply convinced that the formation of sexual orientation is influenced by a huge number of factors that have nothing to do with genetics or what happened in the parental family. These are, first of all, all sorts of real events that a growing child becomes a witness or participant in. Plus - virtual. It is simply impossible not to notice how huge a role the Internet has begun to play in the psychosexual development of children. But before I explain what specific events I have in mind, let me throw one more pebble into the psychoanalytic garden. The latent period of sexual development in children, when it seems to freeze for several years after the stormy infancy period with a whole heap of all kinds of fixations, exists mainly only in the imagination of psychoanalysts. Psychosexual development does not stop for a single day. It just happens with varying degrees of intensity and openness. Having realized at a certain age that a sexual topic is considered indecent, and wanting to avoid the condemnation of educators, children begin to hide their own experiences and incidents of this kind from their elders. In the meantime, many events happen to them that directly or indirectly affect their psychosexual development in general and sexual orientation in particular. These include the notorious games of doctors with demonstration of genitals. And games with imitation of adult sexual actions. And sexual fun in which the child is sometimes drawn into by cynical, unscrupulous adults or older children, which naturally affects the sexual development of both the former and the latter. Children see sexual scenes on the screens of televisions and other video devices, secretly watch erotic films, comics, cartoons, magazines, etc. They become witnesses to sexual actions of adults, accidentally or deliberately. They peep. They fall in love. They masturbate. They fantasize about sexual themes, etc. And there is also school, and the yard, and much more, not to mention the first real sexual relationships. Object relations in the family of origin are only one of the factors influencing the formation of sexual.