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Today we’ll talk about a very important step and skill: how to ask questions correctly? A question is a kind of vector of attention. And attention is energy. Therefore, when the energy is not directed in the right direction for you, as a result, even when you find the answer, you do not receive satisfaction. First, let’s look at why this is important for efficiency and happiness in general. Our brain is super powerful software that performs any task. And your result depends on how clearly and specifically the task is posed, that is, the question is asked. Setting daily tasks, setting goals, asking questions, all these are some of the skills for managing reality. How specifically you understand what exactly you want to achieve depends on the result. If you just wander around in the hope of hearing or learning something interesting, you will hear and learn something interesting. Question: Why do you need this something interesting? For pleasure? For general horizons? To develop some skill? In order to find out how to do something? Every action we take has a purpose. By inhaling, our physical body maintains life. We eat food to obtain the necessary elements for healthy life. Read the book to get information. We swim in the sea for pleasure and relaxation. We communicate with friends, colleagues, masters, clients, for our own purposes. Question: why do you wake up in the morning? It's no secret that everyone wants to be happy, but what does your happiness consist of? You attend webinars, trainings, contact specialists, why? What is your question? For example, you seek advice from a master (coach, psychologist) and say: “I want to change my life?” Great. But what exactly doesn’t suit you? Family, relationships, self-perception, financial situation, health, self-criticism and self-sabotage? What and for what do you want to change? Asking questions is the first step towards a happy life of pleasure. You are happy only when you take actions that are important and meaningful in your understanding. At the same time, very often, people spend most of their time on business for the sake of compliance. And after some time, the resource in the form of energy runs out. Why? Yes, because there is no content, the dividends do not justify the investment. And so, after some time, the favorite activity turned into need, the person whom he once loved and adored does not evoke positive emotions, and the desire is only one: “leave me alone or let this all end soon.” A certain terrible hopelessness and meaninglessness sets in . You wake up in the morning and ask the question: why am I going to work? Who needs this? Why am I going to this job? Why do I live? When was the last time I watched the sunset? And when did I sincerely tell my loved ones that I love them? And you don’t do this, not because you are “the last bastard,” but simply because your energy reserve has been used up. You have given your all to meet someone else's expectations. All. Strength and energy are gone. In such a state, a person is only able to collect and compensate for everything that he previously squandered. In such a state, a person is able to get irritated, not control his emotions, be capricious like a small child, while quietly hating himself for such behavior and condition. Although, everything is explained simply. This is not a person like that, it is his ignorance of himself that brought about such a program of behavior. Why did this happen? Because the majority of people are accustomed to living from circumstances. And not the high percentage of those who ask the question before the cockerel pecks. And questions should be asked (goals and objectives set) until there is a calm and satisfactory state. The day has come to an end, and you are not only happy, you are ready to leave the physical world even now, because you are completely satisfied with yourself and life. Morning has come, and this is not just morning - it’s a whole adventure, another wonderful day, there is still time to learn something new, do what you like, try people with a smile, help someone, someone)?