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Every day a person is faced with the need to perform many different actions. Some actions are easy for him, others are more difficult, and some are not yet feasible at all. The degree of difficulty of something for you depends on how prepared you are for it, what your motivation is and what physical and mental state you are in. When faced with a certain task or thoughts about it, you can understand the degree of your readiness and determine the necessary actions to achieve it. One of the Algorithms for Effective Life will help you with this. There are several questions and follow-ups to apply it. Start with the key foundational questions: What's in it for me? Is it easy or difficult for me? Answering these questions honestly will help you overcome illusions about the troubling situation and understand the real situation. If this is simple for you, then everything is clear, you just take it and do it. If for some reason you don’t, then look towards your discipline and your negative beliefs and thinking programs. Most likely, the blocks that prevent you from taking action are located there. The action plan for unblocking becomes clear thanks to the following questions: Why don’t I do what is easy for me? What does it give me if I don’t do what is easy? for me? What will I get if I do what is simple for me and what I can do? And if the answer to the first questions is difficult, then you can continue the series of questions: Why is this difficult for me? What do I need to do to make this easy for me? What can I do to make this happen? Such useful reflections will begin to draw in your mind the ways to best solve the problem that has arisen in front of you. You will see specific steps that need to be taken to change the situation and move to a new level of development. In parallel, this will create, develop and strengthen your skills of effective thinking and behavior. Each time you implement this algorithm, your life will become simpler, easier and more harmonious for you. If you are on the path of self-development and you are interested in the topic of self-research, then you will find other effective questions useful, which you can always get in our “Useful Thoughts” section: Rubric “Useful Thoughts” My dears, do not be lazy to apply Algorithms for Effective Living in your life! Algorithms for Effective Life Algorithms for Effective Life are your door to your new effective future. With interest and support, Your psychologist and mentor Svetlana Averina