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Excerpt from the book “00:00. Zeroing out fears. Self-application of the EMDR method.” Author: Klein Valentina. "... PART 3 How the EMDR method works Let's compare a person to a shell. Not a very poetic comparison, but suitable in this case. Every day a lot of energy, information, events flow through each of us. And it would be good if all this at once it was processed and went into the ground. You are walking along the street, the squeal of car brakes is sharply behind you, you jumped away, turned around, saw an accident nearby, and, perhaps, you began to shake, let’s imagine this event as a metaphor: as if in your shell. they poured someone else's gasoline, mixed with your tears, for example, with someone else's blood and rubble flying out from under the wheels. This is a normal mixture. Or you watched similar news on TV - the same mixture was poured into you. And your psyche needs it somehow. then process it. Your sink needs to somehow pass it all through a siphon and drain it into the sewer. Get rid of these emotions and memories. And this is where events take a turn. Option No. 1 is a healthy experience of stress. Or option number 2 - getting stuck, unhealthy living with stress. 1. Healthy coping with stress If after that you swore, waved your hands, came home and told your husband about it, well, if you cried some more, ate something tasty, went to bed, then the next morning it might be easier. The more you RESPOND with your body and Soul, the greater the chance that your sink will not be clogged and everything will immediately go into the ground. How to do this?1. React stress with your BODY: shaking, fever, chills, trembling, waving your arms, chattering your teeth, punching nuts, spitting, it’s good if air comes out in the form of burping, kicking a ball, kicking an empty plastic bottle, hitting rocks with a stick, tearing paper, throwing stones in the river, hit a punching bag in the gym, knock out a mat, hit a pillow, stomp your feet forcefully on the ground, squat, run, provoke nausea if you have the urge, take a steam bath, swim in a pool, sex, go for a massage, take a shower Charcot and so on.2. React to stress WITH YOUR VOICE: shout, sing, squeal, even just talk it out, laugh; if you are embarrassed to yell, then you can sit in the car alone, turn on the music at full volume and yell for 2-3 minutes, as long as you can stand it. After severe frights, this is not advisable, but must be done. The roller coaster ride is a great way to scream.3. React to stress with EMOTIONS: cry, complain, swear, ask a loved one to pat you on the head, hug you, reassure you, you can hug yourself with both hands and rock yourself like children are rocked, treat yourself to something childish: eat ice cream, candy, etc. It is important to learn yourself and teach your children how to experience fear correctly: through the body, voice, emotions. Every person needs something similar during any stressful event: you learned about your diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one - you need to react all this outward through the body, voice and emotions. You were yelled at at work - you need to react. They called the child to the school principal and needed to respond. You have had a miscarriage or buried a loved one - you need to react several times in a circle again and again. But in our culture of the Russian-speaking population of the 20th-21st centuries it is not customary to do this. These manifestations are considered supposedly uncivilized, inconvenient for others, as a sign of a person’s bad manners. Most often we experience stress in the second way.2. Unhealthy living with stress The maximum we are used to relieving stress is to drink alcohol, smoke, watch TV to make sure that others have it even worse. And, as a rule, this is where our ideas about self-help end. Therefore, traumatic events are poured into us like dirt in a sink and get stuck in the form of muscle tension in the body, diseases of internal organs and inflamed nodes in the neural networks of the brain. This mud is then gradually compressed into stones and