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Whatever you say, a woman’s happiness largely depends on whether her personal life is organized or not. A lady who is doing well on the love front is calm, harmonious, fulfilled, and confident. Of course, many will argue that it is not only thanks to a man that a woman can be realized - career, creativity, study can also give a feeling of deep satisfaction. However, whether we like it or not, each of us has a natural desire to be with a man, to develop a relationship with him, to build a family. At some point in your life, you feel ready for a serious relationship with a “continuation”, and consciously or not very much you are looking for him... that very only man whom you can call your soulmate. This article is dedicated primarily to those girls who, for some reason - for reasons they are lonely and would like to meet a life partner with whom they could marry and have children. It often happens that there seem to be a lot of men around, but they are all wrong. Or you’re already in a relationship, but not the kind you’d like. So, where do we start? I think that first of all you need to decide for yourself that you are really ready for a serious relationship, marriage. This is a very important step, because if you decide for yourself that you will not waste yourself on petty romances, men who are not suitable for you, then you will be surprised to find that more and more worthy candidates will appear in your field, and irresponsible characters who just want to have fun will begin to evaporate somewhere. So, what are the typical mistakes women who dream of getting married make? Being fixated on the idea of ​​getting married at all costs, preferably in the near future. Such a girl can be identified by her “searching” look. Men very subtly sense the energy of a lonely woman “on the hunt.” The thought of marriage becomes so obsessive that the girl “clings” to the man, she loses the ability to maintain the necessary distance in the relationship, which helps to better see the chosen one and give him the opportunity to express himself. This is fraught with the fact that a man begins to feel too much responsibility for the girl’s personal happiness, given the fact that he has not yet matured enough deep feelings that are so necessary for a serious relationship. In addition, there is a category of not very decent men who know about the desire of girls at a certain age to have a family and children. A woman who is too fixated on the idea of ​​getting married runs the risk of “running into” such a man who, pursuing very specific goals, uses as “bait” loud promises and discussions on the topic of marriage, a joint future, as well as his unearthly love for you. Finding a husband among unsuitable men. Who are these unsuitable men? We include in this category all those with whom it is difficult to build a relationship leading specifically to a wedding, and even if a trip to the registry office takes place, the marriage promises to be difficult and not very happy. So, we pass by - 1) already married men, 2) men who openly declare that they are not ready for responsibility, serious relationships, family 3) characters who have problems with addictions - alcohol, drugs, gaming and etc. In addition, you should not have high hopes for men who have previously been in several marriages, speak poorly of their ex-wives, and do not participate in the lives of their children. We also take special care when communicating with young (and not so young) people who try to borrow money from you, shift some material worries onto you, do not have a regular income, often complain about life, and blame the government, parents, for their failures. the state - everyone except yourself. Sex at the very beginning of a relationship. Remember, it used to be that a girl should protect herself until marriage? Of course, times have changed now, and such views seem very outdated to us. However, there is a point in chastity, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Just talking to.