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From the author: Employees are the resource of any company; by investing in the development of employees, you are investing in the growth of the company. Currently, no matter what, wages are not the only way to motivate employees to work more efficiently. No matter how much a company pays an ordinary manager and others, they don’t care, sooner or later it will not be enough. A person’s demands grow in proportion to financial wealth. That is, if I received, say, 500 USD for some time. That is, per month, I shopped according to this amount, vacationed in certain places, drove the appropriate car, etc. When my salary is increased, I will want a more luxurious life that will correspond to my desires and needs. Therefore, no matter how much you pay, in the end the money remains the same as it was. Relying only on the payment of an employee in a company and expecting progressive results from him is, at least, not far-sighted for a company. Yes, of course, you can pay an employee, punish him for failure to fulfill the plan, scare him with dismissal, but we have already survived the age of carrots and sticks. Otherwise, there is no need to wait for any development of the company, reaching a new level of productivity. The management style in an enterprise currently requires much more sophistication so that employees achieve good results in their work and strive for greater achievements. If you leave the carrot and stick system in the management of the enterprise, the employee may not do anything special at all, receive a salary, and be satisfied with the state of affairs. Let's just say that for the operation of the enterprise there must be a salary and a bonus system, but for the promotion of the company in the market , its development, salary is not the most important motivating factor. Receiving money for his work, the employee will perform those actions that he usually performs and will be satisfied that he can buy food in the store, and will not strive to achieve something more. In addition to the need for food, a person has other natural needs that drive him in various spheres of life. According to these needs, you can and should treat your employees if the company’s management is aimed at developing the enterprise. 4 main levels of human needs according to A. Maslow’s pyramid of needs: Physiological needs (hunger, thirst, sleep, sexual desire). The need for security (stability, a feeling of security, lack of fear). The need for love and respect (belonging to a group, recognition, I love, I am loved, etc.) The need for self-actualization (the desire for development, discovering something new) At the first stage of development of a company or organization, the main motivating factor The factor for employees to work, which is indicated by the pyramid of needs, is salary, that is, money. By receiving a monetary reward, an employee can satisfy his physiological needs, buy food and eat in order to survive, pay for an apartment, what to eat, where to sleep and, in the end, be in a relationship with someone to satisfy sexual desire. He will also work in order to satisfy his need for stability, he will give part of his energy steadily in order to get a salary, without particularly striving for anything. The next motivating factor for the effective work of company employees will be good relationships in team. We all know that if a person is accepted, supported and cared for, then he will tend to reciprocate. In this case, the employee develops some responsibility for fulfilling his duties to colleagues, the team becomes a real cohesive team. Each employee will try to do their job effectively because there will be a desire to do something good, such as achieving common professional goals, for the entire team. In order for the employee to work and produce tangible results for development!