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From the author: Let’s think about which mother is good and which one is not so good. And what each of us puts into this concept is a good mother. Very different mothers come to the Parents’ Club classes, which I have been leading for several years now. Each of them has different problems, different parenting styles, different goals for coming to these classes. But sooner or later we come to the same topic. The participants ask: “teach me how to become a good mother!” This is where the fun begins. First, we are trying to find out what each of the participants means by this concept. What kind of mother can be called good? It turns out that each of the mothers imagines this ideal image in her own way. Here is Lena, she works in a good position in a prestigious company. She says that a good mother is one whose children study well in a good school. She devotes a lot of time to the intellectual development of her son and spares no expense on tutors. A good mother should help her child enter a prestigious university, thus ensuring his future. For Maria, a good mother is one whose children are healthy. She considers taking care of health, preparing healthy food, using only environmentally friendly products and hygiene products, ensuring sufficient physical activity, and maintaining a daily routine as the most important parental responsibilities. And she doesn’t care what institute her child goes to. As long as he’s healthy! Natasha believes that the most important thing is the psychological climate in the family. From her point of view, a child should grow up in a family where parents get along and do not quarrel. They do not raise their voices at children, support them in difficult situations, and respect them as individuals. But whether they eat soup or a hamburger for lunch, it doesn’t matter to her. Alexandra would like to become the kind of mother who does not suppress the child with her parental authority, gives him freedom, and sees him as a Personality. She doesn’t care what time the child goes to bed if he says that he is busy with an interesting activity. And if he doesn’t want to eat soup, she again won’t insist. Olga is an architect and artist. She tries to grow a creative personality. She pays the greatest attention to the development of fantasy, imagination, and spontaneity in her son. She believes that a good mother should be able to discern a child’s talent and help him develop. It is clear that the daily routine, a prestigious university, and healthy food remain in the background for her. But Rosa believes that whether a mother is a good mother or not can be judged by how much children listen to adults and are disciplined. She agrees with Maria regarding the daily routine. And the environmental friendliness of products and detergents is, in her opinion, a “fad.” Rose categorically disagrees with Alexandra. For Irina, the most important thing is that her children grow up to be good people: kind, honest, compassionate. She devotes a lot of effort to the development of their spirituality, is attentive to the children’s social circle, to what they read and watch on TV. Discipline is also important for her, but it is not in first place. Anna does not work, she devotes all her time to her daughter and husband. For her, everything is simple: a good mother raises children and runs the household, a bad mother works all day, entrusting the upbringing of children to strangers. She also wants to see the Personality in the child, to discern his talents, but the time spent with his mother is put first. Margarita had a difficult and poor childhood. Now her parental principle is to ensure the material well-being of her children, so that they do not need anything and live in abundance. Expensive clothes, high-quality food, the latest toys, vacations in exotic countries. She works a lot, so she doesn’t agree with Anna’s position. In her opinion, time spent with children is not the most important thing. It seems to Alena that the most important thing for a mother is self-realization, leading an interesting, eventful life, and being creative. Then the child, seeing his mother’s example before his eyes, will learn that life must be interesting. Such a parameter for determining the “quality” of a mother, such as the time spent with the child, causes her indignation. So many options! And these are the most?