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What kind of goddess are you? Once again about the reasons for female loneliness. We continue the topic of female loneliness and creating a happy family, which we started in the article Why are you not married? There are many women who are quite happy married. There are women who are unhappy married, but under no circumstances will they separate from their husband and will live with him until the end of their days, because it is a shame to be unmarried. There are women who really want to get married, but they just can’t do it and they suffer from it. But! They still don't get married. There are women who are happy without a husband - they do not suffer from loneliness, they do not cry into their pillow at night - they simply live happily ever after. What does it depend on! It depends on the archetype to which the woman belongs. What is an archetype? An archetype is a structural element of the collective unconscious that influences a person. Let's look at the archetypes of women who are named after Greek goddesses. 1.Aphrodite - goddess of love. Always in love. Can't imagine life without a partner. Almost always either married or actively searching. Aphrodite's marriage may be short-lived or unhappy, but she will never be alone! True, this does not guarantee her happiness. 2. Hera is faithful to only one man. It diverges extremely rarely. He practically does not change partners. Life without marriage has no meaning or value for her. He condemns all unmarried women, often completely unreasonably considering them enemies. 3. Proserpina - “It’s not my fault, he came himself” - this is about her. She doesn’t choose, she is chosen. An eternal victim who will put up with any circumstances. 4.Demeter - the great Mother. For her, the most important thing is the child and the self-realization of her motherhood. Maybe married, maybe not, this is a secondary issue for her. Often this is a single mother who does not want to share her child with anyone. Her child always comes first. 5.Artemis is a great athlete. The spirit of competition is so strong in her that she constantly competes with both women and men. This is what really interferes with her personal life. 6.Athena is very smart and beautiful, but her studies or career always come first. Everything else is second. And men too. 7.Hestia - goddess of the hearth. A rare homebody. He spends almost all his time at home. Household chores come first. Men often simply do not see her - she rarely appears in society. 8.Hecate is the goddess of magic. For her, contact with extraterrestrial civilizations is much more important than a man. Once you find out what kind of goddess you are, you can create your own recipe for your feminine happiness. How do we do this? 1. Take thick sheets of paper and write the names of the goddesses on them. 2.Then we lay them out on the floor in different places of the room, with the inscriptions facing down.3.It is advisable to take off your shoes. It’s very good if you stand on a leaf with your bare feet. 4. Stand on any leaf you like. Write “No. 1” on it. And listen to yourself: How do you feel? What thoughts or emotions come to you now? Are you comfortable? Write down your sensations, feelings or thoughts. Rate your condition on a scale from 0 to 10. Continue to the next sheet. Do this exercise with each sheet. See which sheet has the highest number of points, and now turn it over with the wording facing up. This is your female archetype. What kind of Goddess are you? AphroditeHeraProserpinaDemeterAthenaArtemisHestiaHecate