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A panic attack (PA) is a painful attack of severe anxiety and fear, the result of a surge of adrenaline, the “fear hormone” and other catecholamines. The body reacts this way to real danger (a dog is running towards you, someone blew up a firecracker, almost got hit by a car) or it could be your thoughts, anxieties, fears. Nature has designed it so that a person must avoid danger, so all the forces accumulate in the body to cope with the threat. During an attack, the following happens: - Your heart begins to jump out of your chest, forcing blood to your muscles so you can run away from the threat. Most often, a person rushes around the room during an attack. - The muscles need oxygen, so you begin to breathe quickly, it seems that there is not enough air and you are suffocating. - Sweating, trembling, throws you either hot or cold - Blood pressure rises - Nausea may occur , dizziness, desire to defecate. The entire attack is accompanied by FEAR - fear of death - fear of losing consciousness - fear of going crazy What to do? You must have a plan for getting out of such an attack.1. The first thing to do is to realize that you are having an attack of PA and it will pass soon. On average, an attack lasts 15-30 minutes. If you begin to fear the attack itself, it may last longer. Your negative thoughts will maintain the fear and all the symptoms.2. You need to even out your breathing. Place your hands on your stomach and begin breathing according to the pattern. Inhale for 4 counts, exit long for 8 counts through the mouth, lips into a tube. Inhale 2 times less than exhale. So until you calm down.3. Relax your muscles. Tense your entire body very tightly and hold the tension for a count of 15, then release the tension and relax.4. Contact a psychologist, he will find the reasons. A person without any apparent danger may experience PA and even prolonged, recurring attacks. The reason for everything is your fears and anxieties. Everyone has their own. A psychologist helps you deal with your fears that provoke an attack. DO NOT allow a single PA to develop into a panic disorder. When you begin to fear the attack itself and wait for it. Panic disorders take a long time to be treated with medication. Medications can relieve the symptoms of PA, but do not treat the causes, and the attacks return unless individual psychotherapy is performed. I have been working successfully with panic attacks, fears and phobias of people for about three years, using methods of cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation, Mindfulness, mindfulness practice and emotional imagery therapy. There are successful cases and reviews of people who have coped with this problem, even after 5 -10 summer courses of drug treatment, which does not help. The course of treatment depends on the severity and frequency of repetitions. On average, one month of training will help to significantly improve the condition or PA will go away for good. You can make an appointment for a consultation in person or by phone 89611627102