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How to change your life? How to get out of the usual unsatisfactory circle? How to start achieving the desired result? The answer is simple. It suggests itself. You need to think and act differently than usual, not as always. 1. So, the first thing you need to do is allow yourself to look at the world and yourself differently, not the way you always have. Allow yourself to think differently, not as usual. Yes, it can be terribly unusually uncomfortable, and even most likely it will be, but this is only for a while. During the reboot. Without paying attention to this, just allow yourself to be different for a while, to live differently than always, not to rely on familiar stereotypes, to move away from them. If a person has never left his home, then his world is limited to knowledge of his own apartment and the view from the window. You can tell him as much as you like that in the world there are forests and green meadows, seas and rivers, steamships and airplanes, extraordinary buildings and even spaceships, he will not believe it. He will claim that the world is a yellow building opposite his window, a tram that passes once an hour, a small asphalt path... He knows for sure that this is how it is, because he observes it from year to year, he lives this way. You can invite him to leave the house or at least go up to the roof to see the world around him, to understand how wrong he is. But most likely he will not agree. Firstly, he knows exactly which world, because... it has a window and eyes. Secondly, who likes to be wrong?! What if he really is wrong?! Thirdly, when you admit the possibility of such a mistake, it becomes scary! After all, if the world is not the same as he saw it, with which he lived, then everything will have to change, and these are completely unbearable thoughts. We are often like people wandering in a dark forest, lighting their way with a small flashlight. Not only do we carry only a narrow beam of light, but we also shine our flashlight in only one direction. But the forest is not at all something that such a short and narrow beam of a lamp can cover. But why do we need to know about this?! Why do we need to shine in other directions?! Why buy yourself a spotlight?! Then the familiar world before your eyes will change. Then you will have to change yourself. Then... So much then, do we need it?! Everything can be somehow complicated then! And so it is usual. 2. The second thing you need to do is start taking action. Act differently. How exactly we will move, what we will do, we will discuss in detail. For now, I just hope for your understanding and agreement with the need to start different actions. Not ordinary, not familiar. If you follow your own path, some ordinary rut, then nothing changes. But if you just step back a little from the beaten path to the left or to the right, it doesn’t matter for now - after 20 steps you will already be far from your track. And after 50 steps you will have difficulty seeing the previous path. And after a day of movement, you will find yourself in a completely different place. The main thing is to make a slight deviation from the course (small so that it is not too scary), and then walk and walk without ceasing (no one has yet canceled activity and work). Such actions will definitely lead to a new result. How to take steps and how to change? What difficulties and obstacles can be encountered along the way? What joys and pleasures can we expect? We will discuss this later! You can find out detailed instructions, practices, exercises in my new book "Reboot. How to change your life" Katerina Istratova