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How often do we not notice that behind the problem lies a gift that can enrich our life, our inner world with new meanings. Many of us have a list of cherished desires or goals. It can be big or small, that’s not important now. What’s important is how many items are on this list that will fill your life with real meaning? And is there a point among them about opening the heart? We devote most of our lives to the creation of material wealth. And it’s normal to first stand firmly on our feet in the material world, and then move along the path of spiritual and personal growth. For this, we learn a lot, gain vital experience, we open a business, sometimes we even change our profession, doing everything to provide ourselves and our family with a comfortable life. But the trouble is that many are stuck at the level of enjoying only material goods. And what next? And then only those who go , for whom this is not enough! Over the past few months, while working with entrepreneurs, I have received requests to open the heart... Why this is needed, how to do it and what life with a closed heart will lead to, I will tell you further. There is also a gift waiting for you at the end of the article. Successful, self-sufficient people who have found their way, their favorite business, who have everything in order with money, want to get rid of mental and heart pain, forgive relatives who may no longer be alive, learn to accept and love truly deep level. These people realized that they needed deep, complex work with themselves, which brings the most important fruits in life. After all, the opening of the heart is the evolution of the soul, the evolution of love and the reduction of the human Ego. This is always spiritual growth. Of course, you can the question arises - “why does the heart close?” People close their hearts so that the soul does not hurt. Remember, you probably had situations when you felt so much pain inside, from betrayal, betrayal, resentment, a sense of injustice, that it became difficult to breathe! At that very moment, not knowing how to cope with this pain, not knowing how to live correctly, forgive, let go, dissolve, we unconsciously asked for this pain to end, so as not to feel anything. The body quickly reacts to strong emotional requests and as a result, what you asked for came true - the heart is closed. However, with the closure of the heart, our suffering does not end, only the pain dulls, grows inside, turning into the ugliest forms. Loss of emotional sensitivity, early or later, leads to personality burnout. That is why successful people who follow the path of personal development understand that without opening their hearts, there will be no further growth. When your heart closes, it is replaced by another organ, for example, the mind, or willpower . But neither the mind nor the willpower are capable of making a person self-sufficient and happy. And a person with a closed heart always increases distortions in character, pride, and an irrepressible thirst for pleasure appear. A closed heart reduces intuition, which means that seeing and listening to one’s true ones decreases. needs, real desires (not imposed by society). A closed heart reduces a person’s spiritual potential. For true happiness, for love, for creativity and the realization of one’s full potential, opening the heart is absolutely necessary. A person with an open heart does not lose a sense of lightness and optimism, even if people let him down and everything went wrong. An open heart is love. A person with an open heart knows that in life everything may not work out according to plan, but at the same time he does not blame anyone - neither fate, nor people, he does not engage in self-criticism. What else does the opening of the heart lead to: Following the opening of the heart, a person’s personal potential increases; Spiritual potential; It speaks of the scale of the individual and a possible increase in the scale of activity. Intuition opens; Love begins to appear, happiness is felt, life becomes fuller and more joyful; Easier and build relationships with other people more harmoniously; talents, sense of taste, harmony, etc. are revealed; understanding appears