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Yactation, voluntary rocking, is observed not only in children, but also in adults. In my opinion, this is a symptom that suggests that there is an important need that cannot be satisfied by the subject on his own, therefore, it is worth paying attention to this. To better understand yourself, I advise you to seek professional help. In childhood, the mediators between the child’s feelings and the outside world were parents or people who replaced them. With their help, the child normally develops his personality and his own ego function, which subsequently plays the role of a mediator between his needs and the environment. If the parents were unable to provide the child with the necessary support and development, he, as he grows up, continues to remain in a childish position, and in an anxious state. moments, he takes care of himself with the help of rocking, putting himself into a certain state with rhythmic, repeating actions in order to dissociate from the anxiety of an unsafe reality. The difference in the use of yactation from the process that occurs on a swing or in a rocking chair is that in the second case there is conscious relaxation and restoration of energy resources, and yactation is aimed at distracting from unpleasant feelings, using the trance of repeated movements to get out of contact with your feelings, with your body and the surrounding reality. But understanding the importance and value of such a skill, accepting it in the present not as a bad habit, but as an experience of self-help that could not be avoided, will be the beginning of solving this problem. An adult, unlike a child, will have the opportunity to satisfy his needs independently, creating his personality around an organizing center with the help of an intermediary chosen for this purpose. We should not forget that this is a gradual process and if you rush, you can cause internal resistance, which can intensify the symptom. Therefore, at the first meetings, I give the client the opportunity to get used to it, adapt, and do not immediately draw his attention to this fact. I’m waiting for a person to be ready to notice his body, the sensory aspects of contact with reality through his senses. Since problems associated with yactation are deeply at the unconscious level and may not reach the level of consciousness immediately. Graduality is important here. Following Shrek, one can notice that our unconscious experience has several layers, we are multi-layered. First we turn to the upper layer accessible for verbal contact. Our psyche is structured wisely; what a person is not ready to learn about himself at a given moment in time is not allowed into consciousness. The necessary protections are activated. Therefore, in my work I use methods that safely help explore the client’s phenomenology through contact with his three unique zones of perception for each person: the imaginary world, the world of symbols and the real world. Sand therapy, symbol drama, including role-playing games with toys, art are well suited for this. -therapy. Directly playing out the chosen role helps the client see from the outside his usual mechanism of interaction with other people and the world around him, assimilate this experience and find new opportunities for himself in the future. If you notice that you have habitual, repetitive movements, this could be a swinging leg, a movement aimed at throwing away hair, or you unconsciously nod your head while talking with people around you, then most likely there is a reason that triggers the mechanism of such actions on an unconscious level . It is worth paying attention to this in order to find the answer to the question on your own or with the help of a psychologist - what is hidden behind these movements, why do you need them. It will be possible to come into contact with them, and perhaps leave with gratitude for the necessary help. I invite you to a consultation to provide the necessary assistance. With respect to your unique story. My number, 89636324465.