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Work with GAD is divided into two parts: 1. Coping with anxiety2. Personality restructuring Today we will focus on the first part, and in the next article we will talk about how to rebuild a personality. Step 1. Understanding how anxiety works and why it is needed Understanding how your anxiety works is part of the solution to the problem. This was discussed in more detail in the previous article. https://www.b17.ru/article/421003/ In short, the essence of anxiety is to show us the point of development. It’s no longer possible to live as before, and you still don’t have the skill to live in a new way. Anxiety arises in order to show us what we lack for the normal functioning of the world. Let us recall the formula of emotions according to Simonov E = P (Ii-In). The less information we have to solve a problem, the more anxiety will arise. Anxiety mobilizes the body to search for tools, our physical and cognitive abilities improve. A good outcome will be to find a solution, and then the body will return to normal. Negative - exhaustion will occur, the body cannot be in constant mobilization. And in a person with GAD, it is the second option that occurs. He either does not solve the problem and it begins to fade, constantly draining him, or he solves the problem, but finds another one, because of which he again begins to worry. Overcoming difficulties, the psyche becomes stronger. If you have developed problem solving skills, you simply don't have to worry because you know you can handle it.2. Learning to notice your anxiety One of the problems with GAD is that a person does not notice the moment when he begins to worry, moreover, he avoids thinking through his anxious thoughts. As a result, he does not fully come into contact with them and, as a result, cannot solve his problems. Keeping SERM diaries will help you here. Your task is to start observing your conditions. What situations give you anxiety, what thoughts are you thinking at this moment, what sensations are in your body. Over time, you will develop the skill and quickly notice when you are feeling anxious. Try to study your thoughts in more detail and write them down. Remember, you most likely have cognitive avoidance and you don’t get beyond “what if...”, “what if...”. It is important to write down what will happen next. And what will happen if this happens, what will it mean for you. What's the worst thing about this? What are the consequences of this? Will this prove anything? Does this situation speak about you as a person? The goal is to learn to notice what is dragging you into anxiety in order to be able to get out of it.3. Learn to Solve Problems After you have written down the source of your anxiety, ask yourself: Is this problem significant or not? If it is not a problem, then your task is to learn to abstract and shift your attention. Here you can use various techniques, for example, the “5-4-3-2-1” technique, breathing techniques, Jacobson relaxation, meditation. You can also switch to either activity. For example, do the cleaning and concentrate on the process itself. The goal is to break your habit of worrying about small things. If this is a problem, formulate it more precisely, what exactly you will solve. Set yourself a goal, what you want to achieve, what result you need. Then, using brainstorming, you come up with various solution options. It is advisable to come up with more than 5 options. Weigh the pros and cons of each option, then choose the best one. Make a plan to implement it in real life. A solution plan includes researching information on the issue, strategies, and specific steps you can take. You can start collecting information now. Once the information has been collected, you need to think through your action plan in detail, what you will do and when. It is important to set deadlines as you tend to be avoidant. If you don't set a deadline, chances are you won't solve your problem. Your biggest problem is that you think too much..