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In maturity, a person reaches the apogee of his full flourishing in all spheres of life and the peaks of professional productivity, which lead to a personal crisis. The period of maturity is characterized by two important crises. The first of them, unplanned, is the crisis of 40 years, which: a) demonstrates the new formation of the period of maturity - productivity based on a complex of parenthood and professional competence; b) duplicates the “Crisis of the meaning of life” (crisis of 30 years) and allows you to complete it if it was not done on time. In the crisis of 40 years of age, individuals have to reconsider and rebuild their life meanings. For example, a crisis stops a person in his professional development, leads to a decline in professional productivity and creative opportunities, which can lead, for example, to a radical change of profession, etc. A crisis leads a person not only to rethink her personal experience in the role of sexual experience in the role of a sexual partner, spouse, parent, etc., and a final awareness of the nature of marital relationships, but also seriously aggravates them for a number of reasons, for example: children grow up and separate , one of the relatives and friends dies, the influence of significant people continues, etc. And, if the spouses do not have common serious unifying and significant “anchors”, except for children. then, as the experience of psychotherapy shows, the couple breaks up. The crisis of 40 years also leads to the disintegration of the existing “I-Concept” into independent components, which leads to inconsistency, for example: *within self-esteem, for example: he can highly evaluate his intelligence and lowly evaluate his physical abilities, etc.; *between passport age and internal feeling, for example: a person can evaluate himself either older or younger than his real chronological age, etc.; * between satisfaction with his own bodily image and self-perception of well-being and happiness; *between personal expectations made by the individual, predictions of the behavior of the individual himself and other people in any situations and the actual behavior of the individual himself and other people in real-life situations. The collapse of the “I-Concept” is caused, first of all, by the individual’s use of protective forms (rationalization and denial), in the process of natural resistance to crisis phenomena (E. Claparède, R. Burns and others)