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To achieve success in any endeavor, motivation is important. Knowing where we are going, we are ready to endure inconveniences and difficulties. Nietzsche once said: “If a person knows what to live for, then he can withstand any “how.” But not everyone manages to maintain motivation, especially when certain difficulties arise . I want to give up everything, hide in a corner, and then live an ordinary life. How can we not lose motivation and reach our goal? Why do we give up what we started? Loss of motivation is the main, but not the only reason why we give up an important task that we have been working towards for a long time. At the beginning of the journey, the person was full of energy and joyful excitement, but then he stopped striving and trying. The reasons may be the following: 1. No visible results. If we do not see the results of our labors, do not feel the benefits from them, it is difficult for us to move on and find the strength to fight.2. Monotony, routine. Classes become boring and do not bring real benefits. For example, a student does not see the point in lectures at a university and does not understand where he can apply them later. The result is that he stops studying and preparing for exams.3. Lack of external support. Your loved ones do not support your plans and ideas, they even criticize them. It is very important for a person to feel supported and approved.4. Fear of failure or responsibility. We are afraid not only of failure, but also, oddly enough, of victory. After all, having achieved something, we acquire responsibility. But not everyone can cope with it. How to find motivation. Listen to the following tips: 1. Rethink your goals. A person changes throughout his life, which means his views and goals change. Make sure your goals align with your current values ​​and desires. If there are discrepancies, feel free to change your plans and set new goals.2. Don't be afraid of failure. Failure happens to everyone, and it is part of growth. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Every mistake brings us invaluable experience and the desire to move on.3. Reduce the number of tasks. You don’t need to tackle everything at once - you won’t last long that way. Identify your most important goals and work on them. When they are reached, it will be the turn of the next ones. You will be pleased with yourself and calm - because you are doing what you set out to do.4. Praise yourself even for small achievements. Even the smallest victory is important to you. Don't ignore them, praise yourself, reward yourself. Every night, remember what you did to achieve your goals and say that you did well.5. Rest physically and mentally. Rest and positive emotions are very important to achieve your goal. After all, you can work effectively only when you are rested and healthy. Don't ignore your body's calls when it needs a break. Spend time on your hobbies, meet friends, go for walks.6. Create a suitable environment. Try to communicate with people you like. Why do you need another negative from someone who likes to criticize and belittle your achievements? Find inspiration in relevant fiction, films, music. Developing motivation in yourself is a continuous process that requires setting clear goals, recognizing needs and introspection. The source of motivation is within us, and only we ourselves can inspire ourselves to great deeds. If you have decreased motivation in life, then therapy from a psychologist will help you. Good luck in working on yourself!