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I described seven couples - each requires its own ways of maintaining relationships. It must be said that all these psychotypes exist in any person, the degree of expression varies. When one of them outweighs, the person’s character is “skewed.” Psychologists call this accentuation. It's good when they are all in balance. Then the person can react flexibly to the situation. If there is an accent, then there will always be one way out of the situation. This means that it will often be inappropriate. Conclusion. You need to understand with whom you live or are going to live. Know what this person can do and what, alas, he cannot. The fact that some things are acceptable and easy for you may be psychologically unacceptable and traumatic for another. But how to understand your soulmate? What he wants, what he doesn’t want, what he can, what he can’t. The most important skill in family life is sincere conversation. To live soul to soul, you must be able to talk from the heart. You must be able to listen and be able to tell what you think, feel, what worries you, what is most important to you now, about desires and intentions, about your feelings and experiences. This is what building close relationships is all about. So you will understand what your loved one wants, what is his peculiarity now. You need to understand which of its seven parts speaks to you. What he can say now and what he shouldn’t. Regular joint discussions about your common life are the key to family happiness. This will make you feel like you are enjoying your time together. For a sincere conversation to take place, you must understand that intonation is more important than words; to be listened to because you exist, and not because they have to; So as not to interrupt, sympathize and ask leading questions - they are interested in what you are telling. You must be able to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the choice not to hold grudges. Why do you need evil in yourself? In order to forgive, you need to be able to talk about painful things - this will relieve the severity of the experience. But it’s better not to let it come to that. To do this, you need to cherish your loved one every day and get along with him. To cherish is to give joy from life together. Just don't confuse joy and fun. Fun comes from outside influences. These are funny situations, films, etc. Joy arises within you as if out of nowhere. The joy of life with a loved one. The joy of your warm attention directed only to him is an important part of life together. Joy that he came. The greatest gift that is often not appreciated, but when it is gone, people suffer greatly, is the attention of a loved one to you. Getting along means being grateful for every little thing and remembering to say that you are grateful. Talk about the strengths of a loved one, but not notice the shortcomings. Be able to say words of support and not comments in a timely manner; praise, not grumble; ask, not demand or order. If you ask, then you leave the person a choice - to do or not to do. He must decide for himself. This is your trust in him. If you force him, the result will be “extorted helplessness.” So you break things, but you have to get along, i.e. build balance in relationships. Victory is a tool for destroying close relationships. If you are asked to be with him now, you must not miss this moment. This is something that will either improve your close relationships or destroy them. It is very dangerous not to notice such moments. Your personal rituals are important - this is what makes you family. Joint holidays, walks, etc. Showing close relationships is helpful. This is not necessary in a critical situation. It is important to show attention in everyday life. If you see that a loved one is tired or is uncomfortable doing something alone, offer him help. If he agrees, help. If he doesn't want to, don't be offended. This is called looking after each other. Take care of your relationship always and it will last forever. It takes time for this to happen. They say that in the old days, spouses set aside a special time during the week when they dealt only with each other. It's not what you do that matters, but how you do it.