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Every child has tantrums. Many mothers can easily remember a dozen stories when her child screamed non-stop, rolled on the floor, threw things and did not calm down. The younger the child, the more such reactions there are. He has not yet developed self-control and the ability to cope with his emotional reactions. And children under 3 years old often cannot explain at all, express what is happening to them and their experiences in a different way. With age, with normal developments, there are fewer hysterics. But children with ADHD and at 7 years old can throw the same hysterics as child aged 3. Why? Let's figure it out. Such children are lagging behind in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere. What is the basis of hysteria? Emotions and the ability to live them. And impulsiveness prevents you from thinking about your actions between the arrival of a stimulus (which causes emotions) and the reaction. The development of self-control, one’s emotions and actions is disrupted. There is no brake and the child cannot stop screaming, crying, stamping his feet, hitting his hands until he physically gets tired. Therefore, this process is harder and longer. We pay attention to the negative aspects and manifestations: screams, tears, fights. Thus, missing the other side: how does a child with ADHD express joy, happiness, fun? Just like negative emotions, violently, noisily and for a long time. Charging everyone around with his positivity. I would like to see more such positive manifestations, but we live in a diverse world. We cannot (and there is no need) to isolate a child from negative experiences, this is part of everyone’s life. So the solution lies in the direction of helping the child with his emotional sphere and impulsiveness. Most parents do not know how to react to tantrums, how to help the child calm down. First, let’s go through factors that increase the course and frequency of children's tantrums in order to minimize them.1. overwork (this can be caused by a violation of the daily routine, a change of environment, an abundance of new impressions)2. feeling unwell3. attracting attention4. as a way of manipulation (to achieve something you want or, conversely, to stop getting what you don’t want)5. someone else's bad mood (children are good at reading the emotional state of loved ones). What factors have you encountered??