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Fake orgasm. A lie in the name of... A modern woman has very high standards that she must meet, at least in the imagination of many representatives of both pilafs. She must be attractive, educated, economical, moderately businesslike, gentle and caring, and, what is cultivated, sexy. “Feminine energy and how to develop it” “Secrets of female attractiveness” “Courses on developing the skills of correct sexual behavior” .... Nowadays, girls and boys already in adolescence know a lot about sex and strive to try it as a kind of practice. Sex ceases to be a zone of intimacy, but becomes a battlefield from which trophies can be taken away - the number of partners, sexual diversity and the number of orgasms. And if for boys such an attitude towards sex at the time of their formation is normal, since their physiological development is ahead of their emotional one (this is the mechanism of development of male sexuality), then for girls such an algorithm for entering adulthood becomes disastrous. For girls, sex becomes a social phenomenon. They are focused on external assessment, rather than on internal self-awareness. This naturally gives birth to a lot of difficulties with one’s own body, its revelation as Feminine, flexible and plastic. The female body becomes an “actor” playing the role of the sexual, and orgasm is the culmination of the performance - It is imitated. Why is this happening? What interferes with the body's seemingly natural response to arousal? The answer is very simple. To get the desired social effect - the approval of your partner, the required number of “likes” from your friends, and from yourself, you need to constantly monitor what is happening, yourself and your partner. Therefore, often a girl does not relax completely, does not completely surrender to the process, and thus prevents the onset of complete loss of control over the body and orgasm. This often happens to girls who are very insecure about their attractiveness. These girls are afraid of their spontaneity and relaxation. They control the expression of their emotions, repeatedly check what and how they said to their men. They anxiously peer into the manifestations of their man, afraid to miss manifestations of cooling and dissatisfaction. They are sure that there is a threat to their relationship. They perceive sex as a tool to keep a man close. Therefore, the amount of sex is important to them; there should be a lot of it. But the orgasm in such sex is often simulated. Which men, of course, have no idea about. Women often do not talk about simulating an orgasm. Therefore, often this strategy works against their self-esteem, proving to them that they are right, that they are “Underwomen”. Although, if they started talking about it, I think they were surprised to discover that there are many people like them around, with the same mechanism for building relationships, and that this is a mistake, not a flaw. Is there any benefit in simulating an orgasm? In some ways, yes. On the one hand, an orgasm experienced during sex reinforces in a man the feeling of his sexual viability and that the relationship is harmonious, and the woman is liberated, trusting, sexy and able to enjoy her body, her partner and, as a result, life in general. Such an illusion can live in a relationship for a long time and hold it together. However, from the point of view of individual sexual development, the longer a woman remains in this position, the more difficult it becomes for her to get out of it. The longer she imitates, the more difficult it is for her to admit to her chosen one that she has a problem, since this can be perceived as a lie and as devaluation, and as a result, what can be solved together becomes the woman’s problem, and deprives her of the opportunity to change something . And being sexually dissatisfied, a woman sooner or later begins to experience increased irritability, fatigue, and as a result, the relationship for which all this was started becomes at risk.