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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” “Really! Rest is an unnecessary luxury” - many will say - “There is already little time in life, but we need to manage everything, so many goals have been set....!”Until recently, I completely agreed with them. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the need to get off the couch and start taking action! And so, guided only by the principle: Act and achieve!, I drove myself into a state of exhaustion and stress! Obsessed with the idea of ​​clear planning of time and a full-fledged daily result, it led to more plans, and less catastrophic time.... And the effect began completely the opposite. Have you ever had periods when you work and work, but there are few results? If this sounds familiar, then: Tell yourself to stop and learn to rest fully! The result will not be long in coming. I once read one piece of advice: If you don’t have time, find time for yourself. Simply amazing! It turns out it works! What gives us a break from work and proper rest: Physical strength. Rethinking the situation. We begin to rethink all our affairs and many of them become unnecessary and indifferent to us. This is a good opportunity to set priorities! Determine your goals. Tension is relieved, the body comes out of a state of time pressure, stress. The process of creative energy is activated in the body! And this can only happen in a relaxed, comfortable state. You give the opportunity to your imagination. Read about the importance of developing imagination for productive, purposeful activity in the following article... Some workaholics feel very bad during rest. They claim that they don't need him at all. And what is work, rest for them! Or they complain to everyone that they constantly have no time and they are poor tired and overworked! Don't fool yourself with such excuses. From the point of view of psychological health, this is a disease! And your consciousness with its past experience is to blame for this! Do you know how to rest? Do you give your body the right to rehabilitation or do you push it to the limit? It turns out that the ability to alternate good rest with productive work is the lot of highly organized people with great potential for personal growth! You need to work seriously on yourself if: You don’t have time for rest. Each person is the master of his life and only he chooses his way of existence. What problem are you subconsciously solving by being a workaholic? You cannot concentrate and work fully in a short period of time. You are constantly distracted, resting every five minutes, taking frequent breaks for coffee, social media, etc. It turns out that your work is not work and rest is not rest! Now let’s think together about how to relax properly!? To be continued…