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Today, the psychological services market offers quite a variety of types of training on the most pressing topics of our lives. Information about trainings can be found on the Internet, on professional websites of psychologists, for example, Self-Knowledge, B17 and others. But not all psychologists register on them and post information. You can also get information about the trainings being conducted in the centers and directly from the psychologists themselves. And then logical questions arise: what is training, what kind of trainings are there, what criteria can be based on when choosing a training. The term “training” comes from the English “training” and has a number of meanings: preparation, training, training, etc. Training in the most general sense is considered as a set of various techniques and methods aimed at developing in a person certain skills and abilities within the framework of group psychological work with people. There are different types of training: personal growth training, skills training, psychotherapeutic groups, business training, trainer training, communication training. Each of the listed trainings has its own goals, objectives and tools for achieving them. But they are all united by a key idea - the use of the phenomenon of mutual influence of participants (so-called horizontal connections) to achieve success in their training and personal changes. Therefore, it is important to decide what personal goals you are choosing training for. For example, if you want to become more self-confident, then it will be useful for you to attend personal growth training, if you would like to deal with your feelings, relationships with others or femininity, psychotherapy groups, and if you need to learn how to promote your services, sales training. The trainer – the leader of the training group – organizes targeted influence. The methods he uses in group work have a pronounced psychotechnical potential. This means that they are capable of bringing about intended changes in participants. For example, participants acquire public speaking skills. But whether changes will occur in the participants depends not only on the professionalism of the trainer and his influence. What is more important is your desire, activity and involvement in the training and willingness to work to achieve the stated goal. But, nevertheless, in the process of choosing a training, it is important to pay attention to who will conduct it, whether the trainer has a higher psychological education, what courses, specializations he passed. Ask in what psychological field the specialist has been working and for how long. For example, the presenter uses systemic family constellations, or is a Gestalt therapist, or a psychodramatist, or is proficient in transactional analysis, etc. Look for information about this direction in the literature or the Internet, or ask the organizer or presenter about the features of the methods and techniques of the direction used. This will help you more accurately formulate your expectations from the training and make your choice. So, a psychodramatist will ask you to play out a difficult situation, and a Gestalt therapist will place more emphasis on your feelings towards it. Read the training advertisement carefully. It is important that the topic and content match each other. Be wary if you are offered very quick and drastic changes in your life. Each of us is individual, we all have our own pace of life and reactions, so this is impossible. This is just a publicity stunt. Any change takes time. Read reviews about the training, if it is not the first time, about the trainer. If the presenter and organizer have announced a presentation of this training, attend. If there is a promotional video, a free introductory webinar, watch it. Pay attention to the moderator’s work style, the specifics of his interaction with participants, and his sense of comfort. Trainings differ from lectures and involve active forms of interaction between the presenter and participants through the use of discussions, discussions, role-playing, exercises, creative tasks, circle sessions according to the stated.