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All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Tolstoy L.N. Every person feels self-confident, needed and strong in everyday life only thanks to the presence of a family and the support of loved ones. As a social community, the family in all civilizations has been the most important element of development, since it was and is the key to the stability and prosperity of society. The family is the basis where a person, from a very early age, adopts the behavior patterns of his relatives, learns communication, and acquires life skills. Despite the influence of stressful environmental factors (a continuous increase in the flow of perceived information, stress at school and work, financial and social difficulties), a person strives to create a family home in order to provide himself with protection and peace of mind to restore vitality and resources. That is why family relationships are considered to be one of the most popular topics today. Quite often it happens that people close to each other cannot find the main thing - mutual understanding. For example, spouses simply have incompatible life positions in raising children and in financial matters. “A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly,” argued O. Balzac. Conflicts are a clash of interests and their positive goal is to solve the problem that has arisen. As a rule, due to the fact that strong negative emotions are expressed, the opposite effect is achieved and the situation is aggravated by mutual reproaches and insults. There is a fear of being abandoned, of being unwanted. With subsequent quarrels, dissatisfaction with each other only increases like a snowball. The question arises about the correct resolution of conflicts and the expression of one’s emotions. If you abstract from the conflict situation and understand what positive intentions drive each of you, you will be able to see the situation first from the position of your opponent, then from the outside. The important thing is whether we see the other person as a separate and integral person with his own needs, feelings, values, his experience and his own picture of the world, or whether he is some object with the help of which we want to solve our problems. Perhaps there is a struggle for power in the family or the spouse is in marriage does not get what he wants, his needs are not met, then the partner develops a feeling of his own insignificance and guilt. It is much easier to avoid conflict in the family in a calm environment, simply by explaining your grievances and looking together for ways to resolve them. In a difficult, crisis situation for the family, you turn to a completely independent person, a specialist who is competent in the field of psychology and psychiatry and is not your closest relative or friend. An expert will certainly help you make the right decision. Using family psychotherapy methods, interpersonal relationships, personality traits and psychological defenses of all family members are analyzed and corrected; prevention of family conflicts and/or rehabilitation of the entire family as a whole and its individual members. There are also hotline numbers that you can always call and get an answer to your question. It should be obvious to many that when a conflict situation arises between family members, it would be better to talk with a competent person than to run to a friend in search of the truth. Besides, have you ever thought that when you ask your loved one for advice, you can sometimes stumble upon an unfair verdict for those with whom you have a conflict. So, by using all the rules given above, you will no doubt be able to resolve conflicts in the family without resorting to humiliation and insults. This will allow you to further strengthen your relationship and quickly resolve accumulated problems, bypassing “family battles”. I will be glad to see you at consultations! Good luck and harmony in your family life!!! Your Doctor, Anastasia Pilipenko