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A little gray chicken was sitting in a clearing next to her chicken coop and was very sad: “I’m poor, unhappy.” Roosters don't understand me, chickens offend me. The chicken coop is dark, deaf, empty, sad. In general, she sat and suffered. And... at that moment a huge white bird flew past. She heard the chicken’s words, landed next to her and said: “Don’t worry, chicken.” If you want, I’ll help you...Those who live on the Internet have read this parable story, and even I saw it in B17 when I was preparing this article. Remember, right? How did this dialogue end? What is this story about for me and my personal experience? I was both in the role of this Chicken and in the role of the Big White Bird, and I see similar dialogues from the outside. And you know))))? The scenario, namely the ending, is not treason! And then I decided to take apart this Story piece by piece. The first thing I see is that the “complainer” will always 100% attract the “helper” to him, and the “helper” will always find ... the “complainer”. They are right on the same wavelength, psychoenergetically, intuitively, quantumly... The second thing is that the “complainer” always (!!!) knows exactly HOW exactly HIS task (problem, history...) can be solved, about himself, he is exactly knows more than everyone around him... and the task of the magical “helper” is to GUESS! This will be regarded as "wow!" "thank you" well, not guessing leads 100% to... The third is the devaluation by the "complainer" of the "helper*" (from the author, a person with a pathological, unconscious zeal to help everyone) with the generation of negative emotions... on both sides ! And so... The fourth - this is the result!!! such dialogues... Energy Energy does not come with a plus or minus sign. And these two characters need each other precisely for this purpose, the production (shake-up...internal) of Energy. Indirect but help! Yes, they won’t understand it at the mental level, but time after time, in order to recharge, they will find each other. And arrange and play out the same Story. Secondary benefit, in the form of adrenaline, an internal shake-up, reinforces this scenario and that is why the “complainant” will sit, see the solution, knowing that it will help him, but he simply does not have the Resources (Energy) for this... and the “helper” moves along on his way, he is forced to constantly “refuel” ... like a plane refueling, alien to him, not Eco-friendly, but still with Energy ... because he saves his own (I’ll discuss this in another topic) Is there any benefit from such “helpers” ?well, you understand))))