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A girl M. lives in the city N. (However, the hero of the story could also be a boy D. from the city T. It doesn’t matter.) She has been raised this way since childhood to be comfortable with other people and meet their expectations all the time. Her brain frequencies are literally tuned to please other people, suppressing herself. She has lived with this mindset for as long as she can remember: almost 25 years. During this time, she has gathered around her (unconsciously) such friends, acquaintances and colleagues who she (due to her attitudes) strives to please and please. Finding herself in an unfamiliar environment, she speaks, behaves and positions herself (without realizing it), transmitting this attitude with her speech, posture, manners, and behavior. Other people and events that happen to girl M. completely justify her life scenario: she pleases, others use it. Over time, girl M. realizes that she is beginning to “suffocate.” She is offended that she cannot allow herself to be herself. She is depressed by the fact that she does not know how to behave differently. And when she tries to speak and act out of her own interests, she is stupidly misunderstood. Firstly, because she does it clumsily and unnaturally, as if she doesn’t believe in her right to be valuable and significant just like that, without any conditions. Secondly, because other people are accustomed to the fact that girl M. is convenient for them and does not have her own opinion, her own needs. Finally, the damage from living in the attitude of “being comfortable and pleasing others” outweighs the benefits from dubious social adaptation, the pseudo-love of others and the predictability of such a life .Girl M. begins to rebel and serious problems are brewing in her relationships with other people (mom and dad, friends, colleagues, classmates, etc.). Keep in mind that half of the processes are not realized. Resentment is simply accumulating at the injustice of life, at the fact that that they don’t understand her, anger at people and fear of changing something. It’s especially scary because her clumsy attempts to stop being comfortable deprive girl M. of a sense of security and predictability in life. Here girl M. is lucky - she gets an appointment with an adequate psychologist. She learns about attitudes and beliefs and becomes aware of her attitude. The attitude of “being comfortable to other people.” But a dilemma arises: how to live if she gives up the old attitude of “being comfortable and pleasing others” and allows herself to be herself? Firstly, she doesn’t know herself well. Typically, the disclosure of a person’s potential should occur in the range from the child’s 3 years of age to 21 years. For example, she believes the psychologist that she has this potential. But what scares her is what kind of work needs to be done to reveal it. After all, she will have to do the work that her parents should have done while she was a child. That is, to fill the gap of almost 21 years old. And what to do with the resentment towards parents, towards life, towards a society that takes advantage of other people’s complexes, fears, and illiteracy of a person towards himself? Secondly, what is currently available in her life the environment is accustomed to the fact that she - girl M. - behaves in a certain way, trying to please them. And it (this environment) has certain benefits from this. Naturally, its first reaction will be to condemn the girl M., who will suddenly begin to weakly demand recognition of her right “to be valuable without any conditions.” This environment will tell the girl M. - what are you doing, dear? Are you all right in your head? And part of this environment will try (unconsciously) to return everything to normal. So that girl M. again becomes what they are all used to (albeit with a negative attitude for girl M.), but at least familiar. And here girl M. bears the enormous responsibility for choosing: to overcome all these difficulties and reveal her real self, or again become familiar, predictable, with the same life attitude. And this responsibility already 100% belongs to the girl M. Not her parents, not the society, but specifically to her - our Heroine. Let's, for a second, assume that the girl M. accepts this challenge. And decides to stand in opposition to everything: resistance).