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From the author: You can find this and other materials on my website: They say that once one woman, with the glorious name of Scheherazade, left for all the daughters and wives of our planet a Master Course in seducing kings and turning them into their devoted husbands. That Master Course was called “Tales of 1000 and One Nights” and was available to every virgin looking for a way to capture the heart of not just a simple husband, but a powerful one in this world. In modern parlance, called an oligarch. Unfortunately, as often happens, what is open to the human eye becomes an encrypted message, and “Tales of 1000 and 1 Nights” turned from a textbook of seduction into simple fairy tales. And one day the soul of Scheherazade came to me at night and asked me to tell the wise women how she was able to melt the heart of King Shahriyar and become not only the mother of his children, but also the love of his life. “I will tell you my story, dear and venerable Mark, and you pass it on to others. So that every woman can understand what a strong man needs when his soul seems cruel and unrequited,” Scheherazade asked me. “I listen and obey, O great lady!” I answered her. Listen, dear maidens and wives, to the true story of the wise Scheherazade about why her plan was a success. Scheherazade was the daughter of the vizier of King Shahriyar and her father, the vizier, was so smart that married a very wise woman, who bore him two daughters: Scheherazade and Dunyazade. Mom taught her daughters how to behave with a man in order to turn his anger into mercy and be not just desired by him, but necessary. When Scheherazade was 14 years old and she realized that she had become a girl, her mother called her into the chambers, where there were no strangers’ ears, and told her these words: “Allah is great and merciful and may He help you understand once and for all the 4 rules that you must follow.” a woman if she wants to enjoy her wife’s happiness and well-being. Rule One, my daughter: play by the rules that the man offers you. Otherwise, he will become angry and he will unleash his power on you. Remember, when a hard force, like a merciless knife, is approaching you, become softer than butter so that it does not cause you any harm. The hard cannot harm the soft. When a man offers you his game, offer him your game so that he believes that it is his game. What do you remember, my girl?” - Accept the game that a man offers me and be soft enough in this game to start my own game with him. "My Smartie. Now remember Rule Two: Always encourage the man to continue the game. Remember, as long as the game continues, he will need you and will think that he loves you. Tell me how you understood this rule?” “I understood, mom, that as long as I play with a man, he is interested in me, and he will love me. “Truly Allah is above you, my daughter. Your wisdom makes me calm about your fate. Now the Third Rule that you need to remember: no matter how cruel and angry your man comes to you, shine on him so that under the rays of the sun in your heart he melts and relaxes, like a lion after a hearty meal. Men seek resistance to feel stronger. Don’t let your man see the strength in you, otherwise his mind will become clouded and he will think that you are a man. And then there will be a fight. The sun in your heart and the gentleness of your soul will defeat your lion faster than all the armies he is ready to fight. What did you understand, oh my wise girl?” “I realized that when a man comes to me, I need to love him with all my heart and accept his mood, so that peace returns to his heart and his mind calms down.” How smart you are, Scheherazade. “May the mercy of Allah be with you,” said Scheherazade’s mother and continued, “Now the Fourth Rule, my girl: When your man gets ready to go about his business, let him go with such faith in yourself, as if you were letting him go into the next room. Never tremble that he will find something better than you. Remember: there are so few people in the world who know how to play with men that you can count them on one fingerhands. Women do not believe in themselves because they believe that men are only interested in the female body, which only ages and becomes covered with folds and wrinkles. And every young woman is capable of attracting her husband with her body. Maybe Scheherazade, young, will be able to attract a man, but she won’t be able to keep him. For only the game of riddle holds men back. When you let a man go, confident and mysterious, then all day long, while he is busy, he asks himself the question, what else do I not know about her? Why is she so confident? I must understand and solve it! So, how do you understand the Fourth Rule, Scheherazade?” - I let my man go to do his business, believing in myself so much that I make him run to me and unravel my secret. “Oh, now I’m sure, daughter, that nothing in the world can harm you. Allah will protect you!” A little time passed and Scheherazade's mother died, and three years later dark times came. King Shahriyar, having learned about his wife’s betrayal, brought a virgin to his chambers every night, satisfied his need for her, and killed her the next morning. This went on for three years and people fled the country, fearing for the lives of their daughters. And one day the king ordered his vizier (Scheherazade’s father) to bring him, according to custom, a girl, and the vizier went out and began to look, but did not find anyone suitable for married life of the girl and went to his home, oppressed and depressed, fearing evil from the king. And Scheherazade exclaimed: “I conjure you by Allah, oh father, marry me to this king, and then I will either live or be a ransom for the daughters of Muslims and save them from the king.” “I conjure you by Allah,” exclaimed the vizier, “do not expose yourself to such danger!” But Scheherazade said: “This must inevitably happen!” And then the father equipped Scheherazade and took her to King Shahryar. Remembering what her mother taught, Scheherazade taught her younger sister and told her: “When I come to the king, I will send for you, and you, when you come and see that the king has satisfied his need for me, say: “Oh sister, talk to us and tell us something to shorten the sleepless night,” and I will tell you something in which there will be, with the permission of Allah, our liberation.” And so the vizier, Scheherazade’s father, brought her to the king, and the king, seeing him, was delighted and asked: “Have you delivered what I need?” And the vizier said: “Yes!” And Shahriyar wanted to take Scheherazade, but she cried; and then he asked her: “What’s the matter with you?” Scheherazade said: “O king, I have a little sister, and I want to say goodbye to her.” And the king then sent for Dunyazada, and she came to her sister, hugged her and sat down on the floor near the bed. And then Shahryar took possession of Scheherazade, and then they began to talk; and the younger sister said to Scheherazade: “I conjure you by Allah, sister, tell us something to shorten the sleepless hours of the night.” So Scheherazade fulfilled the First Rule that her mother taught her. “With love and desire, if the impeccable king allows me,” Scheherazade answered, becoming so polite and soft that the king, who was suffering from insomnia, upon hearing these words, was glad that he would listen to the story, and allowed it. So Scheherazade fulfilled the Second Rule that her mother taught her. And Scheherazade began to tell the king a fairy tale, which you can find in the tales of “One Thousand and One Nights.” And while she was telling the story, she loved Shahriyar with all her heart, accepting his mood, so that peace would return to the king’s heart and his mind would calm down. So Scheherazade fulfilled the Third Rule that her mother taught her. Scheherazade told tales until morning overtook her and she stopped talking. And her sister exclaimed: “Oh sister, how beautiful, good, and pleasant and sweet your story is!” But Scheherazade, remembering the Fourth Rule, which she received from her mother, said: “What does it matter what I will tell you about next night, if I live and the king spares me!” And the king then thought to himself: “I swear to Allah, I will not kill her until I hear the end of her story!” Then the king went to administer court, and judged, and appointed, and so it was until the evening. And the vizier waited anxiously,when the king ordered his daughter to be beheaded, but it never came, because Shahriyar retired to his chambers to enjoy the continuation of Scheherazade’s story. As you know, Scheherazade told the king fairy tales for three years and during this time gave birth to three male children from the king. And when, after 1000 and one night, she finished telling him the last story, she rose to her feet and, kissing the ground, said: “O king of time, one in centuries and centuries, I am your slave, and now a thousand nights and one night, how I convey to you stories about former people and the teachings of the ancients. Do I have the right before your majesty so that I can wish a wish from you?” And the king said to her: “Wish it, you will receive it, O Scheherazade.” And then she called the nannies and eunuchs and said to them: “Bring my children.” And they hastily brought them, and they had three sons, one of whom walked, another crawled, and the third suckled. And when they were brought, Scheherazade took them and placed them before the king and, kissing the ground, said: “O king of time, these are your sons, and I wish from you that you free me from killing for the sake of these children. If you kill me, these children will be left without a mother and will not find a woman who will raise them well!” And then the king began to cry, and pressed the children to his chest, and said: “O Scheherazade, I swear by Allah, I had mercy on you before these children appeared, because I saw that you are chaste, pure, noble and God-fearing. May Allah bless you, your father, your mother, your root and your branch. I call Allah to witness that I have freed you from everything that could harm you.” And Scheherazade kissed the king’s hands and feet, and rejoiced with great joy, and exclaimed: “May Allah prolong your life and increase your dignity and greatness.” And joy spread in the king’s palace, and it rushed through the city, and it was night, which is not counted among the nights of life, and its color was whiter than the face of the day. And the next morning the king was joyful and full of goodness, and he sent for all the soldiers, and when they appeared, he awarded his vizier, Scheherazade’s father, with precious and magnificent clothes and said to him: “May Allah protect you for marrying me to yours.” noble daughter, who was the reason that I repented of killing other people's daughters. I saw that she was noble, pure, chaste and immaculate, and Allah gave me three sons from her. May Allah be praised for this great deed.” And then he awarded honorary clothes to all the viziers, emirs and nobles of the reign and ordered to decorate the city for thirty days, without forcing any of the inhabitants to spend any money - on the contrary, all expenses and expenses were made from the king's treasury. And the city was decorated with magnificent decorations, the like of which had never been seen before, and the drums beat, and the flutes whistled, and all the players began to play, and the king endowed them with gifts and presents, and distributed alms to the poor and poor, and embraced with his generosity all the subjects and inhabitants of the kingdom. And he lived with his courtiers in happiness, joy, and pleasure, and prosperity, until the Destroyer of pleasures and the Destroyer of gatherings came to them. This is how, my dear women, you can, like the wise Scheherazade, calm the mind of a strong man and imperceptibly become his just loved, but necessary. If, of course, you want to be the wife of an oligarch, president, minister, or at worst, a marshal. But seriously speaking, the Four Rules of Scheherazade are your 4 states, dear women. The first Rule allows you to express your Girlhood and start the Game. The Second Rule awakens the state of a Mistress in you and inspires a man to continue your Games. The Third Rule manifests your Mistress state and fills a tired man with energy before you turn on the Fourth Rule, which activates your Queen state and you can let your man go on business, to hunt for trophies, which he will bring to your feet, to try again to solve your secret, but actually play your Game. All Four Rules and Four.