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The groans of those wounded in another terrorist attack are heard from television screens, newspapers come out with nightmarish details of a new explosion, the number of victims increases from time to time, disaster follows disaster. And it seems that it is impossible to hide or hide from this horror: you are about to find yourself among the victims. Is it possible to know in advance whether you are destined for a similar fate or not? And if it is destined, is there a chance to avoid danger, to turn the wheel of fate in a different direction? We ask these questions to the President of the International Academy of Psychogenetics Dmitry KALINSKY. “Predisposition,” unfortunately, really exists. But it is predisposition, not predestination! Consequently, it can be “calculated” and reduced, or even eliminated altogether. Two factors are significant: your psychological attitudes and heredity. - Psychological attitudes are our fear of finding ourselves among victims? - Not only, although fear is one of the main “traps”. If you are afraid that you will become a victim of a terrorist, then you are allowing yourself this possibility. That is, you mentally simulate this situation. And the stronger the fear, the more often and more emotionally you experience the tragedy internally, that is, you attract it into your own life. The result is predictable and very sad. - But how to get rid of fear if this is happening around? - The main condition for safety is trust in life. If you believe your husband, you are not afraid that he will “go to the left” at any moment? And if you expect betrayal, then you don’t trust him, you’re afraid of a catch. By the way, he will try to justify your attitude - both trust and mistrust. The attitude towards life is built on the same principles. If you feel defenseless before the grimaces of fortune, you will lose. But the more confident you look into the future, the greater the chances that fate will not present you with unpleasant surprises. The second dangerous psychological attitude is the victim complex. It doesn’t matter in what area it manifests itself: you may feel like a victim of circumstances, an evil boss or family traditions. The main thing is the very presence of this complex in your psychological world. If you already agree to play the role of a victim, why shouldn’t fate push you into the arms of a terrorist? - What, is fate some kind of evil aunt who only dreams of annoying us? - Not at all: its task is to give a person the opportunity to overcome his fears and complexes. By the way, another complex that can lead to tragedy is the other side of sacrifice: arrogance, blind faith in one’s Fortune. In this case, the risk of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack increases sharply. - Well, still, most normal people do not rejoice at the misfortune of their neighbor, but empathize. - Stop - another dangerous attitude! I’m not calling for callousness, but know: by sympathizing with someone, you unwittingly become involved in a tragic situation. Our task is to make sure that nothing like this happens in our own lives. This is exactly how we are drawn into a situation by blind hatred of terrorists. - What other psychological attitudes increase the risk of becoming a victim? - Increased aggression, especially suppressed: it always requires a way out, and an extreme situation allows for a maximum outburst of negative energy. Unwillingness to live: the subconscious will always find a way to help a person get rid of life. It is very dangerous to make generalizations, to say to yourself: today anyone risks being at the epicenter of an explosion. Not just anyone: everyone has their own destiny. Often among the victims there are also people who really want to be pitied: only in this case do they feel how loved and appreciated they are. - Are all the psychological attitudes you named, most acquired with age and experience, present in children who found themselves in that terrible school No. 1 in the city of Beslan?.. - Of course not! With children the situation is different. Until the age of fifteen, a child is strongly connected with his father and mother, especially with the parent whose birth program he inherits. So, children manifest our parental complexes and realize our fears. It sounds scary, but kids!