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From the author: The choice is always yours. Your life is in your hands. What kind of help do they give me? Do they glue or help put a “band-aid” on the problem and thus treat the wound or identify and eradicate the reason why it appeared? Very rarely does such a question arise in the mind of a person who has asked for real help. Or maybe this person himself wants to simply have a “plaster” put on top of the real reason, in order to carefully hide from himself what really is? Of course, everyone has their own right to this choice, and no one in the whole world has the right to encroach on this sacred right. Indeed, very often you come across cases when a psychologist, without fully understanding the situation (which is always individual), or he just doesn’t want it, he psychologically strokes the client as standard, offering various techniques and advice that only temporarily reduce the tension that the real problem or problems cause. If you can deceive yourself, it doesn’t last very long. Fighting consequences is always pointless, in other words, a waste of life, time and money. You need to understand that under false cover, the “band-aid” only “prolongs” (prolongs) the problem into the future. And this problem only increases and moves into more and more complex stages, either mentally or physiologically somatized in the form of a disease. Often this is a vision or skin problem. As already mentioned, the effect of the “patch” does not last long at all, and soon, again at an appointment with a specialist, the “patch” is applied again, but after that it is not as easy as it was the last time. The situation is getting worse. As a result, you acquire another addiction. But what to do? Who to look for? How to identify him (her) if I really want to find the cause and neutralize it, and not fight the consequences of real problems? First you really need to want it, really have a clear intention to find the cause that gives unwanted consequences. Find time and funds. Next, you need to find a professional who can actually do it right. This person must have talent, a person of special purpose, who loves himself and people, a true master of the soul. If you really want it, then you are more likely to find him. Listen to the unique voice of your soul. As a last resort, you can always do this based on its results. I sincerely wish you to choose the one you really need.