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What to do if life is accompanied by a constant feeling of fatigue and difficulty sleeping? If at work, has it become more difficult to cope with your responsibilities? The first thing that comes to mind when I encounter problems of this kind is the thought of the need to immediately begin to change the state of things towards a more comfortable, healthy life. Because the described state cannot be recognized as the norm of a full human life. After all, whatever the reason, under its influence poor health can become even worse. I can only guess about what it is without seeing the person, because diagnosis is an important part of psychocorrection. As, in general, in the treatment of any “sore”. Based on the points described in the question, we can make some assumptions about what it could be. First of all, the described condition may accompany the development of any physical disease, and in this case it is simply urgent to consult a doctor. The situation is different if this condition is caused by stress on the psyche. These stresses may include acute or chronic stress, depression, grief, and much, much more. How many people, so many reasons. It is possible to assume in the described condition, for example, chronic fatigue syndrome, and if this is so, then it is worth describing the methods accepted in modern practice to reduce it to a state of vital norm. The ideal option would be a comprehensive treatment of the condition, which includes diet therapy and vitamin therapy, physiotherapy in the form of a course of massage or water treatments, taking medications prescribed by a specialist that will help your body recover, and normalizing your psycho-emotional state using effective psychological techniques. Of course, even in the case of the mental nature of the causes of a painful condition, it is necessary to contact specialists in this profile, which include psychiatrists and psychologists. What do I want to warn you against? Yes, from self-medication. Because, it would seem, if you have problems sleeping, then you need to take sleeping pills. But this is flawed logic. And self-medication more often ends in disastrous results for a person’s health than in recovery. In case of normal fatigue, you can use a few simple recommendations. First, if possible, take a vacation from work. And in any case, take care of yourself, and this implies very specific actions. Make it a rule to give yourself several pleasures every day - physical and emotional. Practice any relaxing psychological techniques, either by downloading meditations from the Internet or by visiting a psychologist. Relaxation is a trainable skill, and it sounds like you desperately need it. Break out of the negative trance that begins with the words “everything is bad.” After all, if you notice the bad, there will be more of it. Start living in a positive trance, viewing every situation in life as an opportunity. My clients who try this first of all note changes in their well-being in a positive direction. After all, remember the saying: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” And think about the fact that if you had not noticed your condition, with which your body signals you about the need to change something, then everything in your life would continue as before, day after day.