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How to choose a psychologist? Is the approach in which a psychologist works important? In a global sense - no. Studies have been conducted that have shown that people who undergo ANY psychotherapy begin to feel better many times over. Only some disorders require a special approach. There are also articles that there is no huge difference between final year students, professionals and doctors of science, but ☝🏻 I think that here you need to choose according to the scale of the problem and according to your wallet. Still, experience costs money 😉. If you are looking for an in-person psychologist, then look for one that is accessible so that you don’t have to travel an hour one way. This may lead you to simply stop visiting a psychologist. If there is no one nearby, then it is better to immediately consider online sessions. This can make your life a lot easier. There is NO difference between the effectiveness of online and offline sessions. Only some methods are difficult to carry out online, but even here a way out is already found. The psychologist must undergo therapy himself. This point is very important (this is my opinion). Dear psychologist is not necessarily better. Also, if you have a limited budget, then especially don’t look for a psychologist you can’t afford right now. This can also lead to you leaving psychotherapy without completing it. But don’t look for a free psychologist, there should be value in the meetings. This increases the effectiveness of the sessions and there is no temptation to “skip” them once again when resistance is triggered. The most important criterion is that you liked the psychologist, you feel “mine”. And here some criteria become not so important. But it is when you realize that you have found your psychologist that your work becomes more productive. Therefore, do not hesitate to clarify any questions that are important to you before recording. Look at the photo if you care about what a psychologist looks like. Nowadays, many people write blogs and you can get acquainted with the thoughts and reasoning of a psychologist. You can go to one session and get to know each other better to draw a conclusion. The chances that you will find “the one” the first time are very small. But what is very important is that you need to find YOURS with whom you will be comfortable and safe.P. With. Now there is a tendency for psychologists to write that they are LGBT*-friendly. But good psychologists treat EVERYTHING without judgment. This is the meaning of a psychologist, that you can come to him and not get condemned ☝🏻. I don’t know everything, but THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE. Naturally, we do not live in an ideal world. Therefore, ask the psychologist in advance questions that may affect your choice and safety. And some people need a designation in advance that a psychologist treats different people and situations adequately. P.p.s. It just bothered me at first that this designation is needed, because a psychologist is a psychologist because he won’t judge, and if he can’t handle something... then it works, then it’s his failure to work and HE must indicate what it doesn’t work with. Otherwise, one gets the impression that only some are friendly, and the rest are not. After all, the problem in life and relationships does not depend in any way on your political views, race, or sexual preferences. But unfortunately, while there are some who are not without value, you need to explain that you are adequate 🌱.* LGBT is a movement whose activities are recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.