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There are situations in the lives of teenagers that can negatively affect the formation of character and personality. For example, divorce or parental conflict, death of a family member, bullying at school. A feeling of depression may also arise, and the belief that no one understands, life has no meaning and that “everyone is stupid” may take root. In these cases, it is undoubtedly time to sound the alarm and turn to psychotherapy, since this requires a fairly deep study of the problem. Problems can be worked out in a fairly short time, since the teenager is open to information and changes in general. But first of all, the desire of the teenager himself for these changes is necessary. And there should also be a fairly strong motivation to work through requests and problems. Quite often, parents do not understand whether the child needs a specialist or not, and whether they should immediately take him to an appointment, which is not easy in a gloomy state. Let me tell you in more detail what the indications should be In order for a teenager to seek psychotherapy: It is important to have motivation and desire to be in therapy. After all, it very often happens that a person knows his problem, but he does not want to do anything about it: either because of laziness or for other reasons. And if his parents force him or her, then the teenager may begin to sabotage and, for example, not come. In order to work in psychotherapy, a teenager must also be disposed towards the therapist and have a desire to work with him. And if there is some problem that he can solve on his own, or with a parent, he cannot cope, then it is better, of course, to come to therapy, as it will help to deal with them. The teenager does not have any serious problems, but he has internal difficult emotional experiences or conditions that are difficult for him to live with , for example: you don’t want anything, depression, fears, self-doubt, then this is also an indication for psychotherapy. If there are problems with socialization or issues related to the sphere of relationships, then the method of group psychotherapy is better suited here. Subscribe to my community VKontakte and get a bonus: the “Shamatha” meditation practice. Calm your mind and find inner peace! https://vk.com/app5898182_-224026628#u=1791044&s=2609310