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In order to accept yourself, you need to accept the part that you do not want to accept. Ask yourself what exactly are you denying about yourself? Why do you dislike and be a denier in yourself? As a rule, this is some kind of vulnerable part, a wounded part. This is the part that someone once tried to get rid of in you, and now you want to get rid of it. This is the part that you feel aggressive towards and want to tear out and pull out of yourself. Just throw it away! Perhaps because it hurts... Or perhaps society simply says that such a part should not exist. But I offer you another way. Sit comfortably, feel the support in your back, lower back, and neck. Take the next breath cycle. Inhale as deeply as possible, then hold your breath for as long as possible, exhale as deeply as possible. Holding your breath. And do this cycle 5-7 times. Until all thoughts disappear. Close your outer eyes and open your inner eyes. Visualize this part in front of you and tell it: You are Me! And I love you. Because only you can love her. And only you can recognize it. Because she is you. Hold this frame for a few seconds, allow yourself to be in this state, allow yourself to realize your feelings. What is this feeling? Share in the comments what are your impressions of the practice? How did you feel at the moment of connection? Were there any obstacles? If obstacles arose, and something still prevented you from connecting, do not despair. This practice can be repeated after a couple of days. Most likely, you were unable to relax properly and you should pay special attention to this. And at the session, with the help of techniques, we first analyze what this part is that we are denying. And most importantly, what was the impetus for her denial? What happened that made you give up a part of yourself? This part is not always easy to isolate and understand. And then we enter a relaxed state and at a deeper level, with more of your features, we find and integrate it! As a result, we get a certain state of integrity, but I will talk about this in detail in the following articles. If you liked the material, please click on “Say thanks”! In order not to miss interesting things, subscribe to my publications! And please share the material in social networks! :)