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From the author: Article for the magazine "Happy and Beautiful" Men and women are created by nature itself to attract each other. Each of us, deep down in our souls, knows perfectly well how to please this or that man, when to look down in embarrassment, and when to boldly wave your gorgeous eyelashes, making his heart beat faster. We feel why he starts to blush and stammer when talking to us, and, frankly, we like it! we begin to feel beautiful and graceful. And what’s interesting is that we really become more feminine. This is the amazing dialectic of human nature: we can only show all our natural femininity next to a man. The ability to attract and seduce men is a powerful natural female instinct necessary for procreation. But unfortunately, the style of education in parental families, cultural characteristics and lifestyle of many modern women muffles and distorts the voice of instinct. in a hurry to get to work, we do not notice the signs that men give us, and in the case of communication we often feel awkward. We come up with many excuses for ourselves, that this is not important to us, not necessary, not interesting... and meanwhile we lose something very important: the opportunity to receive positive emotions, recognition and confirmation of our value. According to classical psychological research, a person meets his needs and abilities learns in the process of life. However, there are several innate desires, and one of them is the need for communication and recognition. As each person grows older, relationships with the opposite sex become an important and integral area of ​​self-realization. And only by being successful in all major areas of life can we feel healthy and happy. And even if you have already arranged your personal life, it is always worth remembering that your femininity is a huge resource that you invest in your family hearth. Agree, it’s easier to be an affectionate and caring wife and mother at home if you were treated kindly at work today, if you were given a turn at the store, and if the elevator was held for you at the entrance. allow yourself to easily and naturally show your natural charm when communicating with men, and there will be many more such pleasant moments! So, what helps a modern woman attract a man easily and remain natural and unobtrusive? To help nature manifest itself in you, allow yourself the spontaneous joy of a child. Cheerful, smiling, playful - this is very tempting. In addition, choose the elements of your appearance harmoniously. Hairstyle, clothing and makeup should match your natural coloring and your behavior. And of course, a man will be conquered by a direct and open, friendly look in the eyes, lasting exactly as long as your feminine intuition tells you. Let the natural woman living inside you speak, and you will notice that you can conquer any man if you like him.