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Having to make decisions can be a really huge challenge. A person is paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice and missing out on benefits, the fear of acting in conditions of uncertainty and lack of guarantees. But making the right decisions is the prevention of life’s problems. After all, when you know how to make rational and thoughtful decisions, the desired changes come into your life faster. In this article I will talk about one technique that will help you make a reasoned and informed decision for the long term. Sometimes after making a decision, we realize that the choice would have been made incorrectly or he is not good enough, as he seemed at first glance. This is facilitated by factors and stimuli that we may not be aware of when we make a choice. For example: belief and value systems, painful memories, experiences, current emotional state and physical health. Therefore, when making a decision, you need to consider it from all sides. Take a piece of paper with a pen and set aside 15 minutes of free time for yourself. What choice is facing you? Add more options for a more complete picture, at least five. For example: 1. Uninteresting office job with a good salary, 2. Work in your specialty, low salary, close to home, 3. Work you love, difficulties with vacancies, 4. Freelancing, ignorance marketing, 5. Unemployed for another month. Determine what goal you want to achieve by making a choice. What do you want in the end? Write down your goal in as much detail as possible. For example: A job related to my interests, with a good salary, with or without a loyal boss. Where you will need to learn something new. Communication with colleagues is minimal. Find the pros and cons of each option. Take both subjective (for me personally, my feelings) and objective (what will or will not allow me to get closer to the goal). For example: The first option is good for its salary and loyal boss (objective advantages), but I absolutely don’t like the specifics of the work (subjective minus). Rate how important or unimportant each point is to you: -2 (not cool), -1 (not ok), 0 (all the same), +1 (ok), +2 (cool). Calculate the sum .Rest, leaving the piece of paper. The brain itself will compare your emotions and needs with the written options. After some time, you will already know which option is more preferable for you. This is one of the decision-making techniques in cognitive behavioral therapy. Now that you know this method, it will be easier for you to make a choice. If this technique was useful to you, click on “say thank you.” Sincerely, psychologist Gutman Yulia Eduardovna. Sign up for a consultation: phone, WhatsApp +7 922-294-02-90 skype: li_a_li